Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 25 March 2010 for the activation taking place on 4 April 2010
I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of transformation, transmutation, ascension and delightful blessings. Greetings beloved ones.
And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and within the hands of God.
Beloved Lightworkers the time is rapidly coming to the point where all energies must unite in one dynamic force of love, drawing this source from the centre of the light of Father/Mother God.
Each and every one of you hold within you a sacred signature of divinity and truth. It is these signatures, which must now merge to create the collective signature, which will break down the Illuminati Matrix, enabling us to fully anchor the new Emerald Ray of Love and Truth.
Each and every step that you take upon your pathway of healing and becoming more profoundly aware of yourself allows for these dynamic new energies to root themselves firmly within the matrix of the Collective Consciousness, however, because so many of the human race are still trapped within the Illuminati Matrix it is vital that each of you rise dynamically into the realms of greater awareness, and a more expanded knowledge of the potential which lies inside of you.
Now the Illuminati Matrix consists of all those energies and programmes which were created deliberately by those in power who chose not to release the truth, for they feared it would disempower them, leaving them standing without that which they so deeply desire.
The truth about power is that it is not something that you possess, it is something which is naturally inside of you which you express, and the dynamics of that empowered soul touches the hearts of others allowing for the same empowerment process to unfold for them. To possess power is to own another’s light which is not in accordance with the higher realms of empowerment.
It is vital that you understand that these who we call the Illuminati are those who are motivated by the seven vices of your world. These vices disempower the collective, and disempowers the individual motivated by these qualities. Although they do not immediately see it, the time has come now where the dawning of this new world of light will expose these darker aspects of themselves and they will fall.
It is vital that this fall occur so that each and every soul can take back their rightful position. Although this will happen, the fall that is, there are still many who will not take advantage of the opportunity to embrace their power, therefore, the responsibility lies upon you, the awakened ones, to empower yourselves more than ever before in order to hold the full capacities of light available to you, in order to carry the ancient signatures of truth into your future so that the Promised Land can come into manifestation.
The Promised Land is the world in which you will find yourself where others of like heart, like mind and like spirit join together in a collective community of love rebuilding the paradigms of truth and creating the pathways where others will find their way to their truth. Do not despair for those who will not take advantage of this opportunity for it is a part of their divine plan, it is part of their journey to understand what living in the dark world means. The dark world is the world where the seven vices rule, where there is the absence of love, the absence of understanding, in other words the world of ignorance.
You have moved beyond these dimensions of control, although there are still parts of you governed by these Illuminati imprints you now have the opportunity to rise way above it, and from your higher perspective able to observe how these dynamics play out in the lower worlds. This means your lower ego will undergo a massive transformation so that you may transcend that world and discover the higher aspects of your most dynamic self.
You still have a blueprint, an imprint governed by the Spirits of the seven planets which channel through you. This blueprint is what determines your fate and your karma in each and every incarnation you incarnate into, however, what makes this timeline different is that you have the opportunity to rise above the constant turning of that wheel of fate. Now you move from fate into destiny, and although there are still challenges to be faced, simply because each level presents you with greater opportunities to grow and better understand yourself, you will find that with these challenges you have the greater reserves of courage, inner strength, wisdom, knowledge and love to move through them, to conquer them and solve them with greater ease, and at a far more rapid rate than when you were rooted in the old world, in other words in the Illuminati Matrix.
There is immense change facing your planet at this time. There are countries in your world which will undergo very important changes, some of these changes will be violent ones, however, those who are protected by the realms of light will be guided to safety zones, therefore, do not concern yourself. However, it is vital that you are aware and vigilant during these times for this deconstruction, the dismantling of the Illuminati Matrix must take place in order for the Phoenix to rise from the ashes of the old world and to take the fire power of Spirit into its new level of realisation within the hearts of those who are now awoken.
Those who are still to awaken to the dynamics of their greater power will seek you out, however, as the fall takes place these changes will bring about the dawning of a new timeline, a new way in which to empower the soul, freeing it from the majority rule of the lower ego so that the higher ego has the majority rule.
The Emerald Ray, which we bring forward now holds the true essence of integrity, fidelity, love and wisdom. Encased within this Emerald Ray is a magnificent solid gold cube of light. In the centre of this cube is a star-tetrahedron made of platinum. The energies emitted from this Platinum Star-tetrahedron activate the Golden Cube emitting powerful vibrations through the Emerald Ray, creating the new Illuminated Matrix of the new world, the new order of light and true love, wisdom and inner courage.
Each of you will have this Emerald Ray, Golden Cube and star-tetrahedron activated within your heart chakra. This will be over the next twelve months and as each month passes you will integrate a deeper level of this very powerful force of the new source of light, love and wisdom which you have sought for the duration of the lifetime. Everything you have experienced up until this point has prepared you for this dynamic reawakening and reconstruction of a new life form, a form in which the vehicles of your greater self can safely be constructed, nurtured and strengthened.
These vibrations emitted through your energy field will reveal to the higher dimensions you have come, you have awoken, you have chosen to elevate yourself beyond the constraints of the old world in order to preserve the ancient wisdom of the true orders of light, love and wisdom.
The Emerald Mystery School is one such vehicle through which these great teachings will be delivered. The Golden Temple Teachings are the Golden Cube we speak of, and the Platinum Star-tetrahedron is the energy held within this channel and her masculine counterpart which we will energise through these two physical humans, emitting the light to touch those who travel physically to the sacred sites and merge their energies as groups at these places, therefore, each of you who travel in the physical to the sacred sites with these two people you become extensions of the Platinum Star-tetrahedron, you are then initiated into the inner realm of the High Priestess and Priest absorbing an aspect of this Platinum Star-tetrahedron and becoming a facilitator of these energies, and a representative of the inner core of the Golden Temple through which these great teachings will flow.
Each of you will then be assigned a specific Master and Solar Archangel who will carry you through the initiations the High Priest and Priestesses bring forth from the inner core of the central realm of the core Galactic Centre of All That Is. You will awaken to the inner qualities inside of yourself, which will lead you in the direction of your destiny so that you as a representative of this core platinum ray can teach what you have been designed to deliver in order to empower humanity even further. These energies will extend their rays to every corner of the Earth, each of you strategically placed at different geographic locations in order to hold these lights.
The Fifty-five Flames of St Germain, which have been recently harvested are bringing forth fine threads of amethyst and sapphire energy which you too will integrate over time. These threads will create a sacred weave between your chakras and unite a magnificent tapestry of a new design, which becomes the Illuminated Matrix. The Platinum Star-tetrahedron activates the destruction of the Illuminati Matrix, but know that as you stand together in this powerful force of energy, you hold the grids which keep those who are already safe within the safety zones of the higher qualities of the new world. This is not to say that we are excluding any soul from this pattern, all we are saying is that those of you who have already stepped into this higher quality, your position has already been made ready for you. This opportunity is available to every single soul on the planet, whether they choose to take advantage of it or not is entirely their individual choice.
Your energies will continue to increase at a highly rapid rate, therefore, it is vital that you follow your instinct and your intuition and allow the love of your true self to shine through. This is a time of breaking down the Illuminati Matrix within yourself too, meaning that those parts of you that are bound by false belief systems to that which was constructed which has bound you too the incessant dramas of the old world, will now begin to fall away. Each and every energy which is disconnected from the Illuminati Matrix is then cleansed through the platinum vibrations and reconnected to the Illumination Matrix where you will take on a new role, a new part of your destiny as the leaders of the light in the new world of light. You will create this grid, which will emit some of the most powerful rays ever to be recorded in the Earth’s spiritual history, far greater than Atlantis was every able to emit.
The fall of Atlantis is encoded within the Earth grids, that is when the Illuminati Matrix was first set in place, therefore, we are returning to the fall of Atlantis, and that fall will repeat itself in some ways, not to the entirety of its complete destruction for there are sufficient Lightworkers awoken to the new world to be able to stand firmly in their light, in their power and hold these powerful vibrations.
I, Lord Kuthumi-Agrippa, stand amongst all of you as the King of Solar Archangels. My army of Solar Archangels will weave amongst you bringing forth the high vibrations of the golden light, the golden thread of golden love and wisdom so that the higher order of the platinum ray of knowledge can come to you.
Each of you are being asked, once I have finished this transmission that within twenty-four hours of hearing my words that you take time to go into a place of nature, where you are to sit in the stillness of nature and you are to align yourself with me, invoke my presence and that of the Solar Archangels. Call to St Germain and to the Higher League of the Emerald Ray.
You are to connect with nature and to open your heart to integrate this Emerald Ray, calling it into your heart chakra, allowing it to flow through every fibre of your being, bringing forth the magnificence of your true self so that you may align more consciously with the Pathway of the Authentic Ones.
This pathway will open the way for you to follow in the footsteps of the true Masters of the past, the present and the future. This is when in nature we will activate the new Emerald Ray, the Golden Cube and the Platinum Star-tetrahedron. From that day forward, every month to that day you will integrate a new level.
Every time there is a group travelling physically to a different geographic location, that Platinum Star-tetrahedron will be anchored, rooted, within the geographic location chosen and becomes the activating energy within that sacred site over which the Golden Cube will be activated, and around that the new Emerald Ray. This will then anchor the qualities of integrity, fidelity and the true love we speak of.
It is these energies which must run through the veins of Mother Earth’s body to re-energise her, to resuscitate the broken, debilitated, debased parts of her body which have been abused by the consciousness of the Illuminati Matrix, therefore, as her body cleanses you will see parts of the Earth shake, you will see many aspects fall economically, and in the countries that must now awaken to the light side, however, the dark side will be exposed first in order for the light to replace that which has been broken down.
I repeat, do not fear this process to come, you will all be safe, you will be protected. It is only those who do not choose to listen, who do not choose to follow and whose path it is to be a part of the fall who will fall, however, what you shall witness is simply the physical vehicle undergoing the fall, the soul will be removed before any harm can be impacted or trauma impacted upon the essence of their soul. This may sound dire, doomy and gloomy, however the reality is, precious ones, that you have been warned of this time to come, this is the beginning of the great end, for through this great ending the magnificent new beginning comes, but what comes from it is one of the most magnificent rebirths of the Earth’s spiritual history.
You are the threads of the new Illumination Matrix, you are the filaments of light, the sparks of energy which come off the Emerald Flame, and as you unite, collaborate and merge with those of like mind, heart and spirit and you strengthen in numbers you will see the forces of love working through you override any darkness which tries to reclaim its original place in the world. The fall has started and here we are with all of you giving you our solemn promise that all will be well, that this time has come because it is time.
Not all places on Mother Earth’s body will undergo these deep shifts, there are many places which will be safe. This is also part of the rearrangement of the grids of Mother Earth as a planet, therefore, if you are asked or inspired to move to a completely different geographic location it is because you are reweaving the sacred grids, you are realigning the tapestries which create the new platinum grid of the new world of light, therefore, we celebrate this magnificent time with all of you, we thank each of you for coming together at this point and hearing our words, and on the day of the 4th of April of every year to come over the next ten years there will be a great celebration of the strengthening of the Illumination Matrix, and the fourth day of every month for the next two years will strengthen the energies within Mother Earth’s body. Every sacred site visited by those holding these energies will amplify the light and intentions of those who gather in their numbers to bring about the great rise after the fall.
Many areas have fallen ready, many of the dark Illuminati Matrix’s strongholds have crumbled, you have seen how this plays out, therefore, this is why we urge you not to fear what is to come but to know that you have witnessed some of this, that you will become more aware of how the darkness that has moved underground so to speak now is exposed and is coming to the surface, because it has risen into the light, and this is how the powerful rays of love will love the Illuminati Matrix to death so to speak.
So through the essence of the almighty power of Father/Mother God we extend this powerful light to each of you, blessing you with these rays, enhancing your inner courage, your inner strength and drive to truly know yourself, to expand your awareness of self, your love of self and your acceptance of self on a whole new level so that these energies can re-ignite, be resuscitated, be revitalised in order to reconstruct the divine order of a new world motivated by the higher ego, the higher qualities of the spirits of everything in existence, no longer governed by the ignorant worlds of darkness.
Know that the challenges that you will face will be from those stuck in the Illuminati Matrix who will consider your new way of being very threatening, for when you come into your power it challenges every dark aspect within those who have not yet achieved the level of self acceptance, self love and self awareness that you have achieved.
Do not be destabilised by these challenges, do not doubt yourself, do not move away from your courage and your light because these ones challenge your power. Stand strong within this power because it is through leading by example, by strengthening that light that you overcome those challenges and you become the force of love to be reckoned with, the darkness swallowed up by it and you elevate your energies to higher levels, rising beyond those debilitating energies which have kept you destabilised, disempowered, distracted and fragmented in the past.
The accumulation of those fragmented parts of yourself will reconnect at an accelerated rate, therefore, know that you will see yourself changing rapidly and within weeks for some of you, you will be a aghast at how much you are changing, how dramatically your life is changing and it may feel at times as if you have stepped from one lifetime into another one within a very short space of time.
It is vital that you honour your bodies needs, that you do what is necessary now to keep your body strong, to cleanse it, to feed it with healthy foods, to give it enough hydration in the form of unpolluted water. Pray, meditate. Use the powers of nature through sacred ceremonies, rituals and magic to transform those debilitated parts of yourself. Trust in the Spirits of nature, the essence of Father/Mother God and the unconditionally powerful love that comes to you from Source to guide you. Do not rely on reason and logic alone, there are going to be many times where your intuition will give you information which defies logic and reason, listen to this, however you will create a balance between heart, and mind and this is where you will find your greatest power of discernment, this is where you will discover how your purpose, your power and the almighty essence of your fully connected self serves you and how you will recognise how deeply everything is connected, and how all of life is one.
When you sit within the silence of nature, the stillness of the beauty of that which is around you, be it in your garden or on your patio, or in any place in which you feel safe, loved, secure and at peace we will be present with you to help you bring those energies into your body and reconnect with the true understanding of what being connected to all of life means, and how all is one and one is all.
So, precious ones, I have given you much information to ponder and to masticate upon. We ask you to listen to our words repeatedly, to read them if you prefer and to truly digest what we have said. Every time you listen to our words or read them, you will integrate a deeper level of this message. Share this message with others, spread the light, collaborate, unite and become the powerful wave of sacred love and wisdom showing those who are still trapped in the dark that there is a pathway to freedom, however, it is not your duty to force them, it is only your duty to open a door, to present a way, and then you are to lead by example allowing them the opportunity to choose, and that is how a true Master walks the way as an Authentic One on the pathway to freedom.
May each and every one of you be blessed with the higher realms of true divine understanding of the oneness of all that is, and may the infinite eternal source of light and love, wisdom and truth be one with you for all time.
Know that we are with you every step of this way. Know that we are with you in all ways, always, and that not ever do you walk alone. Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you, the many invisible hearts that love you. You are safe, be at peace and celebrate with us.
I am Kuthumi-Agrippa, King of the Solar Archangels and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.
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