Beloved Ones,
During the coming weeks, there will be much activity taking place in the interdimensional octaves of higher vibrational frequency and this will translate as a greater influx of Light to and through each of you. Many of you have become ‘stuck’ in past life dramas that were simply to be observed, acknowledged and released and instead, you have found yourselves trying to transmute and transform over and over again as this drama plays on in your lives. During these coming weeks, we, the Ascended Host will be standing by to give you assistance to help overcome these age old dramas once and for all and so we remind you once again, that you, Dear and Beloved Ones, must ask us to do this for you and with you.
Our Love for you is unconditional and unending and it is our greatest joy and pleasure to serve you in these times of transition as you move from one timeline to the Ascension timeline of the Ascended Earth reality. Ask that we help you to do this and you will be instantly surrounded in the Great White Light which will raise your vibrational frequency to this new timeline. This is very important, Dear Ones and we cannot stress enough that each of you must intend to move onto this timeline as soon as possible. There is much work that needs to be done, for many of your brothers and sisters upon Earth still need Awakening and the sooner you are all firmly anchored into the Ascended Earth timeline, the sooner the work can begin.
We ask that you not rest from your disciplines and that you strive ceaselessly to raise your vibrational level each day and maintain it. We can help with this if you remember to ask us each morning. We are encouraging each and every one of you to make this your priority from now on. Try to lay aside your daily concerns amidst the situations that you find yourselves in at the moment and rise a cut above to the higher perspective, the perspective of your Higher Self and Great I AM Presence. Spend as much time and intention ‘seeing’ yourselves as the Beings of Light and Love that you truly are and let go of any other distractions that may come forth. Know that your Loved Ones will follow as you lead, for you are the pattern breakers and the pattern makers, and therefore, the leaders of Humanity. By your works, your actions, words and deeds and your personal example, you shall rise up as the shining Lights that you are.
The time for hiding your Light is past, is over. Now is the time to become the pure and shining example to all, so that they may look upon you and the miracles that are occurring and want to follow in your footsteps. You are THAT powerful! Let go of all that does not resonate with this new vision and hold to that new vision with every fibre of your being. Your Light is needed now more than ever and by your Light, you inspire others around you to take up the torch and follow the example that you shall be demonstrating by your daily living, which shall show them many miraculous transformations that occur within you that will be visible to all who have known you before your transformations. This will become evident in the months and years ahead. You will each fall into your part in the Divine Plan and we ask you to remember that you are the Ambassadors of Light and therefore must lead by example. BE the Light, radiate your Love from your heart chakra with the Golden Light of the Christ, and walk in grace and ease and with a light step upon the Earth.
We, your brothers and sisters who have gone before you, overlight and expand each of your auras as much as you can comfortably withstand each and every day, so please remember to ask and state your intention to anchor your Light to the Ascension timeline and keep your energy levels vibrating at the highest levels possible. Ask for alignment with the Ascension Stargate and for daily and constant guidance from your personal Guides and Teachers. We want a stronger connection with each of you and have much to impart to you. We stand ready to assist and impart much needed knowledge to you, as events transpire upon the Earth plane. You are moving quickly into the Ascended Earth reality and that is where your focus will serve you for the greatest and highest good for all.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
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