Wisdom From The Ascended Masters, September 5, 2010
“More On Relationships” Via The Akashic Records
Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
How can you assist us to see conflicted relationships as supportive relationships?
Blessed Ones, your relationships offer many pearls of wisdom and many spiritual tests and lessons to both you and the ones with whom you are in relationship with. For you to have a supportive relationship with another, you must approach each relationship in this way. Every relationship is a supportive relationship. Every relationship will assist you to grow in your understanding, your wisdom and your personal power, if you will allow it. Each relationship is a mirror of the lessons and the spiritual growth you are in the process of integrating. For the other person, it is so also, as you will each mirror to the other, the lessons and tests which harmonize within the relationship to enhance your learning experience. Each relationship may become supportive for each person when you will understand this, and you will approach each interaction in the allowing and acceptance of your lessons and tests.
You must have the understanding that you are also assisting the other in gaining wisdom and spiritual growth. Allowing this relationship to present these lessons and tests will bring you clarity within the relationship, and harmony where there may have been none. You have the responsibility to be supportive to the other person, as many are in victim consciousness. When you are aware of this, as you hold a higher vibration, you must stand in your integrity and you must intentionally hold the higher vibrations. It is your responsibility as a Master to be in truth, and assist the other, when you are aware they are in victim consciousness. Sometimes, it is as simple as giving no response, as a response which “pushes their buttons”, is a response which continues their belief in their status as a victim. Hold the vibration of love and you will assist them as greatly as you are able to, and you will have responded in the way of a Master. You will have enhanced your spiritual growth also.
How can you assist us to remain in love and neutrality, rather than judgment?
Dear Ones, when you are in judgment, you are not right with Self. You are projecting onto another that which you are out of balance with, within Self. Practice through deep breathing, and repeating the word, “neutrality”. This practice will assist you into peace and harmony, all being of much the same vibration. Neutrality is a great gift to assist you as you interact with another. Holding the intention to remain in neutrality will allow you to set aside your own beliefs. You are more able to remain in the love of your Sacred Heart when you are able to hold the vibration of neutrality. This, Dear Ones, is a great tool to assist you in your relationships.
Beloved Masters and Teachers, what other wisdom would you like to offer at this time, to assist us in our relationships?
Dear Ones, see the potential within another. See this blessed potential within each soul you are in relationship with. See the potential for each person to be the Master Soul they came here to learn how to be. See them as already having achieved this, as you see yourself already having achieved this. You are each a Master Soul, realizing this potential within you now. Each soul is an incarnation of God. Approach your interactions with others in the way. See the God Self in all others. See the God Self in yourself. It can be most difficult to see this in others that you have the closest relationships with, as these relationships are so “charged” with your beliefs about yourself and your beliefs and preconceived thoughts about how the other will respond and act. Release these preconceptions, and open to the new potential of allowing the other to respond from their God Self. Hold the vibration of Love and you will assist them to respond in this way and you will assist yourself to respond from your highest potential.
Your relationships provide you with the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth. You may achieve and integrate a renewed understanding, wisdom, and belief in your own potential to expand into the Master consciousness, when you allow the vibration of this potential to permeate into your relationships. Set aside preconceived beliefs and expectations and see yourself and all others, as God assisting God, to know God.
And finally, love each other, Dear Ones. It is what you came here to do. You came here to love. Within this love you will, within your intentions of releasing negative, low vibrations, achieve the mastery that you came here to realize. Embrace yourselves and all others, the earth, and all life forms in the vibrations of love. It is your potential. It is the potential of all life forms. Every life form on earth responds to the vibrations of love. Be this vibration, Dear Ones, you will transform yourselves, the earth, and all life.
We are the Ascended Masters. Our love surrounds you and we are here to assist you to be Love. Call on us. We will assist you to raise your vibrations to the vibrations of Love.
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Email: michelle@transformingradiance.com
All my Love and Many Blessings,