Channeler: November 17, 2011 Beloved Ones, I would like to have discourse with you on the quality of Love known as surrender. This quality entails the letting go of egoic justifications about how a situation should be and instead, allowing your higher power to take over the unfolding of this situation in the fullness of time. It requires faith in your higher power and the important quality of trust. By surrendering your need to control the situation you open yourself up to possibilities you may not have considered that are better by far, and will result in the highest and most happiest outcome for you. To surrender means foregoing the need to judge how One opened themselves up to this occurrence in their lives and feeling the constant need to check in and see how it is unfolding. By surrendering the need to control, you allow all aspects from all dimensions to bring to fruition that which has been set for you by your Higher Self. Your Higher Self always works for your highest good and highest outcome. By allowing this wise and loving part of yourself to bring forth the next step on your journey, you are in effect saying, “not my will but thine be done in and through me”. This opens up the way for many wondrous and magical synchronicities to manifest for you as you walk your Path and will accelerate your progress in grace and ease. When there is no resistance to what is occurring, many potential pathways can be forthcoming that will bring the optimum effect to the situation. By being patient while this unfolding is occurring, many delightful happenings can take place. By remaining in a place of peace, harmony, trust and faith the lines of manifestation have the greatest potential to come forth from the Universe on your behalf. There are also many times in One’s life where the quality of surrender will bring forth great blessings to you. Each time surrender is made to your higher aspects, a line of energy and power is established that will enrich your daily life experience in unexpected and joyous ways. The quality of Love called surrender brings forth an opening, an allowance by your human self to receive the greatest blessings in your daily life. Life then becomes a great adventure of happy expectation and waiting for the miracles that are transpiring for you. There are many instances in life which would be greatly benefited by this quality of surrender. Each time there comes a clash of expectations between you and a Beloved that do not harmonize, employing this quality for the higher good of the relationship can also bring in many blessings for you. Too often, the human ego gets caught up in the need to prove Oneself right instead of trying to see through the Beloved’s eyes, for when One can see through the eyes of their Beloved, a choice for love can be made and a win-win situation emerges. Rarely do those around you deliberately desire to be contrary and more often than not, any difficulty that develops is the result of miscommunication and misunderstanding between you. By either or both of you choosing to surrender in any disagreement to the feeling of tender Love and the desire to give to the Beloved that which makes them happy, and when you see your Beloved blossom and glow with confidence and self assurance, the wisdom of employing this quality of Love becomes very clear. When your Beloveds are happy, then you are happy, your home is happy and harmony and peace reign within them. Be at peace, Beloved Ones, ponder on these words and allow yourself to surrender to the flow of Love that is now being directed to each and every one of you as you choose to make those around you happy. I AM Archangel Gabriel ©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff |
Only Love Prevails...Love Light Peace Happiness Balance Harmony ~Namaste~ Reiki Healing Relationships LOVE Twin Flame Reunions Spirituality Music Video's Meditation Video's OneNess Higher DimensionS Unity
AA GABRIEL - Weekly Message - November 17
Archangel Michael Nov. 2 2011

My dear eternal souls, my brothers. We have created you, we have created your world. This is what you will also be doing. From time to time we like to come and live among you, we like to share your lot and burden. We understand you better that way. You too will blend and melt among lower dimensions, once you will ascend again. We can take many forms and no form as well. We can just be with you, on your journey. Our labour of love is never ending, for we always like to be by your side. We remain impartial and are with you in your darkest hours, as the loving parents that we are. Allow us to caress you and embrace you in our arms, our energy may feel like a feather on you. Let us caress your being and touch your souls again. Let us join our consciousness and melt our hearts together.
The pain you feel will fly away and be reprocessed by higher forces. Let all that holds you down with heaviness of heart fly away from your sphere. Let all fear and doubts depart your body. Let go of pride and vanity, and prejudice. We will bring you with us into the higher spheres, we will remove the stones from your heart, with our love we will heal all that remain to heal. We are here as your brothers and have volunteered to share with you our love and understanding. We are here in many numbers, as legions of light, if you will. We are here to lift you up again into the higher spheres of existence. Let us lighten your burden, and blend our love with yours. Working with you will be unique work ever done for the upliftment of your soul.
The world you are still on is made of many illusions, illusions for your mind, illusions for your heart. With our help you will see through the veil of confusion. We are behind you in all you do and always. Remember our love for you is ever lasting, and we are with you when you wish our help. The calm and love that we hold you in, will support you in every step. Feel our presence when you stand still and when you meditate. Feel us cover your bodies with our light energy, imagine us embracing you in our feather like soft embrace. Feel the warmth of our love around you. We, your future selves, are here for you dear brothers and sisters.
I am Archangel Michael
Laura Tyco
Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights
Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice
SaLuSa October 31 2011
SaLuSa 31-October-2011
Disclosure as such is important to us but not as much as the subsequent developments, and the dark Ones try by any means to block the announcement as it spells the end of their covert activities. It is also the beginning of a closer relationship between us, that will see a great coming together in the Brotherhood of Light. We are therefore pressing our allies to commence Disclosure as soon as possible, but if necessary we will make it happen. We have long referred to the divine date for it, and that looms near so any delay will be short lived.
It is not that you will be unprepared for Ascension, as it has been happening for a very long time. Also once we can openly communicate with you, we will make the details clearly known to you. As it stands, those of you who have elected to ascend have diligently followed the advice that has been given. You have found your own path, and many already live their lives as one who walks in the Light. There are different ideas as to the way in which the end-times play out, but that is accepted as it is your choice as to where your journey takes you. Bear in mind that the 21.12.12 is a major upliftment, yet only the beginning of another cycle of experience. However, it is for your civilization the opportunity to leave duality, and not continue re-incarnating in the lower dimension.
You may have fond memories of the Earth, but do not forgot that the majority of you will be ascending with her to enjoy the beauty and harmony of the higher dimensions. You will not have any regrets for leaving the present Earth, and in fact you will feel quite privileged to have shared her journey. You will have moved from the unreal to the Creator's expression of what life should really be like. Duality was given to you to experience exactly as you wished, and you had total freewill. Now, you are stepping into the heavenly realms where the Creator's Laws are manifest, and powers of creation are given to you. By then you will have become Cosmic Beings without any limitation whatsoever. However, the Laws of the Universe still apply but at your higher level of achievement and understanding, you would not do anything that would go against them.
After living through the depths of darkness, and the continuing erosion of your rights it was to be expected that you would turn against those who imposed it upon you. Because so many of you turned to the Light and sought freedom from your oppressors, it allowed the Brotherhood of Light to authorize our presence in your lives. With help you have risen up quite rapidly, and by so doing have lifted the consciousness levels to a new height. The effect has helped your fellow travelers to also awaken, and the impetus is such that nothing will stop it going to its natural conclusion. That is of course what you have been working towards for a long time, and our presence is your guarantee of completion.
Knowing that your present life is just but one of many that will continue ad infinitum, you will realize that it is all for your experience as you grow in consciousness. It will gradually expand so that eventually it could embrace a whole planet, and way into you future some of you may chose to experience being a planetary logos. This may give you an idea as to what a great being you have in Mother Earth, who like you is still growing in consciousness. It is why you are ascending together, and if you think about it, it is truly an astonishing fact. Who would otherwise think that the Earth is a fully conscious Being. That is why you are asked to acknowledge what she has done for you out of her love for humankind. She feels your love and receives your prayers, and is re-assured by them as she goes ahead with the cleansing of the planet.
The more you understand the truth about yourselves and your purpose for being here, the easier it will become to accept the changes that are taking place. We would say, go with the flow knowing that all will work out well regardless of how it appears now. Just think of how little time remains before Ascension, and enjoy the thoughts of how exciting it is to be part of it. It is why you incarnated for this particular time, and you were fully aware of what your experiences would involve. Think again of the wise souls that have joined you in recent years, bringing a higher level of consciousness that is necessary to ensure the upliftment continues. You call them Indigo children, Starseeds and other names that identify them as the special ones, that bring you much needed knowledge. They left the comfort and harmony of the higher dimensions, to serve you at a time when their presence is needed.
Treat all as you Brothers and Sisters and give of your love as freely as you can. If you can do that and see the Light within them, you will be helping uplift them as every soul responds to the love vibration. When you can do this, you have truly reached a new level of Christ Consciousness that will hold good for the future. Simply do your best and you can do no more, and no caring soul will fault you for the occasions when you cannot maintain such levels. It will become easier as you progress towards the higher dimensions, and eventually take your place within them.
The truth will come with the revelations that we shall bring you, but prepare to be astonished at how much you have been misled. Much will seem incredible and hard to accept because you have been mind controlled for so long. However accept as much as you can, and anything left undecided will still find place in your heart at the appropriate time. Most revelations will make good sense, and explain some of the mysteries that have been deliberately put before you to keep you under control. The last thing the dark Ones want, is for you to become independent of them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and the more I understand about you, the more I appreciate how resilient you are and how duality has toughened you to life's ups and downs. No wonder other civilizations will look up to you and seek your help. You have left the comfort and joy of being in the of the higher dimensions, to have a total experience of duality with all of its pain and sorrow to help others. I bow before you and acknowledge the beautiful loving souls that you are, I love you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Archangel Metatron 11-11-11 Energy Wave October 31 2011
Weekly Channelled Message
11-11-11 Energy Wave by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 31-10-11
I am Archangel Metatron, I send upon the wings of many angels unconditional love to surround, to protect, to energise and inspire your being. Let my love shower over you like thousands of pure white feathers cascading around you. Please know in your heart that I am here to support and guide you forward, you are secure in my energy and I will assist you in moving through processes of transition with ease.
The Earth has been entering and moving through major transitions but these transitions are stepping up in speed and intensity as we draw closer to the energetic landmark of 11-11-11. You may feel the energies powerfully even from the beginning of November right through to 2012 and beyond. You may notice two major shifts in energy that will gradually and smoothly come to a climax. From November the energies anchoring into the Earth will become finer and lighter, it will seem like a breath of fresh air, this may be recognised by everything flowing with a greater ease, as if joints have been oiled. This change in energy will build and enhance climaxing around the date of 11-11-11. You may then notice a new shift in energy which will activate on the 12th December 2011, will be increase on the 24th December 2011 and then will climax as the new year of 2012 begins. There will be many other activations and energy waves which will be ignited throughout the year of 2012 and beyond, these will be anchoring of a new foundation for the Era of Love and so will predominantly consist of different vibrations of love merged with other appropriate qualities. It is important to remember that when energies are anchored they are to activate energies and consciousness within your being. Activations allow you to understand more about the Creator's energy and to aid your unity with the Creator. The recognition of certain qualities is simply a process of exploration of the Creator's light to aid a further embodiment.
You may notice that the energy anchoring in November is very different to the sensations experienced when connecting with the energy shift beginning on or around the 12th December 2011. This is something to be aware of to ensure that you link into both energy shifts to accept the appropriate wisdom and consciousness from each. The first energy shift will be focused on empowerment while the second energy shift and activation will be focused upon love. It is through empowerment of the soul and truth within your being that you will awaken to experience and embody greater love.
11-11-11 will mark the climax of the new energy wave; this is an energy anchoring from the very source and soul of the Creator into the Earth but more importantly into each person upon the Earth. There is a larger percentage than ever before of energy programmed to anchor into people rather than the energy and consciousness of the Earth. This is a great achievement in itself as it signifies that humanity is ready to take responsibility for their own spiritual development, that change can and will come from within each person projected into the Earth's reality rather than influencing the Earth to jolt humanity into awakening.
As with all energy waves the 11-11-11 energy wave holds qualities from the Creator's soul to be embodied and enacted by humanity. These qualities are
· Love from truth
· Openness
· Unity
· Happiness
· Empowerment
· Embodiment
· Sensitivity
· Liberation
Each quality is held within the energy wave whenever you invoke its energies to flow over and through your being. By experiencing the energy wave you also activate the same qualities from within your being, meaning that if you have not yet mastered the lessons of each quality they will manifest into your reality to assist in your embodiment of the quality. Wisdom and insights will be shared with you from the energy wave concerning each quality so that you may hold, use and express the qualities more fully within your reality.
Lord Merlin stated in his communication that to him the 11-11-11 activation encourages a greater sensitivity to the soul or spiritual self. This understanding is true and is extremely valuable, as when all qualities are integrated as one, they will create a greater sensitivity to the soul. The quality of sensitivity encourages you to be more aware of energy, energetic patterns as well as the presence of your guides and soul. Sensitivity will also assist you in focusing upon your own energies, understanding what is needed and what needs to be release. The quality of liberation also speaks of the freedom that will be offered to your soul in its personal expression when you become more sensitive to your soul. Freedom also symbolises a clearing of energy. In the past a powerful cleansing energy has always been present within the energy waves but now only the energy of liberation is present to inspire a shift from limitations and illusions to freedom or peace within the mind and expansive energies. The freedom energy isn't present to cleanse but to inspire a shift to clarity and an acknowledgement of your limitless energy.
The quality of unity encourages the merging of humanity's consciousness and its transition from negativity to love. When beings of like mind begin to unite their energy and consciousness then consciousness and understandings that have been missing from your awareness or which have yet to be recognised will be acknowledged and will manifest once more for you to grasp and process. The quality of unity will not only help you to discover new consciousness, wisdom and insights which you have been searching for but it will assist in a greater respect and honour building for each and every person, active energy and soul upon the Earth. Respect and honour will build for the different understanding and beliefs that individual holds and an acknowledgement of how sacred each soul upon the Earth truly is. This will be a wonderful transition which may take time but will truly be ignited from the 11-11-11 energy wave.
With greater sensitivity to your soul it will be easier for you to embody your soul and even soul group as well as numerous aspects of the Creator's soul. This will empoweryour being and allow your soul to be the leader and guide in your reality. Focus upon the ego and personality as the main leader of your reality will be altered so that the soul can command predominant leadership of your being and reality. This may sound very forceful and may bring up fears of accepting power but your soul is now ready to come forward as a loving presence to lead you through your ascension. With the presence of your soul you will feel empowered, filled with enthusiasm, energy and active love, knowing that you can achieve anything that you project from your mind but it will be your soul that will inspire the minds projections. Some people may feel a fight within them as the desires of the personality may be very different to the desires of the soul. It is evident in this case that the quality of freedom is needed to allow you to detach from the desires of your personality, while the quality of unity is needed to aid you merge with your soul, respecting and honouring the wishes of your soul. After all your soul is connected with the will of the Creator; understanding the divine plan for your reality and journey on the Earth. You may notice as I am progressing with my explanation that it is difficult to describe the qualities individually as they are so integrated and are working to manifest sensitivity to and an empowerment of the soul. The fact that the qualities are so integrated indicates the tremendous growth that humanity has achieved, a belief in separation is vanishing and a desire for oneness and integration is manifesting. This is bringing forth the truth of the Creator with tremendous power.
The presence love is strongly evident within the 11-11-11 energy wave but this time it is brought forward as a love which extends from truth. This means that the love that you express must be born from truth and be expressed with truth. We see love as always being truthful and honest but in this new vibration of love, nothing can be hidden, be falsely expressed or misinterpreted. Love is required to be born from the truth within your soul, but truth must also manifest from love. Many people have learnt to love unconditionally, but now you are being asked to love from your truth. In order to achieve this there is a need to connect with the truth of your being exploring the energy and consciousness of your truth, allowing love to pour from this source within you. The quality and teaching of love from truth also symbolise the dissolving of illusions and false energy but could be interpreted to mean that your love will become wise. As you love expansively and unconditionally not only will you be sharing truth but you will be expression wisdom, your love will become your guiding light, even your inspiring mind. Out of all the qualities this quality requires much contemplation to discover its true meaning, this may be different for each individual.
The quality of openness refers to the heart chakra, there is a need for your heart chakra to continue to expand and remain open at all times in order for the love, wisdom and power of your being to be expressed with greater ease. When the heart chakra is able to remain open at all times, in positive and negative situations this manifests a tremendous strength and security within your being, it symbolises that you are aware of your power, how you can alter your reality through intention and alignment, allowing for greater self exploration and expansion.
Happiness could be considered an unusual energy to be anchored at this time of transition, but it is a gentle reminder from the Creator that the ascension process is a happy time; it is a time of fun, joy, contentment, delight and pleasure. We can adopt these qualities in our spiritual practices as they will allow our growth to accelerate tremendously. When we are happy, our mood is high, our energies light and we hold a positive outlook, and it is far easier for us to connect with the Creator on a deeper level from this vibration. The Creator wishes to remind us not to take our realities and growth too seriously as this only creates limitations and attachments hindering our awakening. Happiness is also considered an expression of connection with and an embodiment of the soul. It is a reminder that our greatest goal as spiritual beings is happiness, a happiness that flows from the soul, the truth and essence of our beings.
More information will be bought forward about the energy wave, its qualities and teachings, for now I extend my love and blessings to you, simply allow yourself to process the information that I have shared with you, contemplating how you may embody these qualities and how they will influence your reality.
With love always,
I am Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron Energy Wave Transitions October 24 2011
Weekly Channelled Message
Energy Wave Transitions by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 24-10-11
An abundance of love extends from the angelic kingdom through my being and heart, we wish for you to know that we love you unconditionally; we are here for you always and will assist you in absorbing all the necessary energies to advance your spiritual growth. There are energetic changes occurring on the Earth but the main focus is upon the spiritual advancement of humanity. Now is the time for you to progress beyond what you think is possible for yourself, allowing yourself to move into the truth of your being, energy and reason for existence. The greatest gift that we wish to see humanity accept as this time is an accelerated spiritual growth, awareness, understanding and sensitivity; we wish to encourage you to take the next step forward allowing new spiritual lessons to unfold. Some of you have been feeling the expansion in your energy for some time now while others have felt stuck and motionless, as the energies of 11-11-11 enter into the Earth, each person will receive a wealth of energy which will project them forward along their spiritual path.
As with other energy waves that have anchored into the Earth previously, the 11-11-11 energy wave will hold qualities of light and teachings for you to accept and integrate with to aid a more complete embodiment of the Creator's light. Each energy wave holds the purpose of assisting you in connecting on a deeper level with the Creator, understanding more about the energy of the Creator while embodying new aspects of the Creator's light. The Creator draws the attention of humanity and souls upon the inner planes to certain qualities which are most appropriate to anchor and will allow all to experience a greater oneness with the Creator. By accepting the teachings and qualities of each energy wave as they anchor into the Earth we are able to experience ourselves evolving into an example or aspect of the Creator on the Earth.
The 08-08-08 energy waves spoke of the anchoring of love into the Earth and into the souls' of humanity; this was a significant turning point in humanity's growth. While love had always been a focus for many, we saw that a greater amount of people opened their hearts to the love of the Creator and the love that they held within their being. 08-08-08 was a great activation of love as it truly dawned on so many more people that love was needed in order to heal their beings and the Earth, while realising that love was the only truth. With a greater amount of people awakening to focus upon love and with the support of those who had always remembered this truth, we saw that the 08-08-08 energy wave brought forward the energy of abundance. The teachings were of accepting the energy of abundance that is held within love, embodying and anchoring abundance into your reality. The energy of abundance anchored at a time when much financial chaos occurred on the Earth but this was a tremendous lesson for many to realise that they could create their own abundance in their realities with the power of embodying the energy and quality of abundance. Even today many are still striving to accept the energy of abundance because belief patterns must also be altered in order for the power of abundance to manifest. It is important to make you aware that the energy of abundance has assisted so many on the Earth, because it has enhanced and magnified their feelings of love and their spiritual advancement. While the quality of abundance was focused on developing and empowering your manifestation skills it was also anchored as a boosting energy which would set a foundation for other energy waves to anchor. Lessons of feeling worthy and deserving of love and abundance were anchored at this time to assist humanity in dissolving fears and limitations connected to these qualities, opening humanities energies so thatfurther qualities and teachings could be experienced.
The energy waves anchored from 08-08-08 are of most importance as they are all linked to the new cycle of 2012 and beyond, each energy wave has actually been an aspect of 2012's energy anchoring into the Earth. It was achieved over a period of time so that humanity could truly learn to integrate and understand the transition of 2012.
The energy wave of 09-09-09 saw a higher vibration of love anchoring into the Earth which enhanced the love vibration held by humanity and encouraged more people to begin to embody love within every action, reaction, thought or energy that they created. Negative energies and unneeded habits were encouraged to be dissolved at this time as qualities such as unconditional love, acceptance and balance were introduced. Humanity was encouraged to develop the presence of their love, realising that love cannot be given to one and withdrawn from another, rather love must be given to all abundantly. A focus upon self love was also important at this time to aid a deeper cleansing process and allow for many judgements and habits to be erased. Many were encouraged to accept their own energies, their truth and the Creator as well as accepting the focus and determination that is needed to achieve ascension. The energy of balance was also integral and taught that balance and peace must be gained within so that an inner strength develops, this way whatever chaos or turbulence occurred around and even within your being you would remain connected to the light of the Creator experiencing love.
With the entrance of the 10-10-10 energy wave came the qualities of connection, communication, simplicity, love and loving mindfulness as well as a focus upon the nature kingdom. Humanity was being asked to develop these qualities from within their being and enact them within their realities. There was and still is a need to understand accept and build your ability of connecting with and communicating with your soul, your guides, the Creator and numerous appropriate aspects of the Creator. Focus upon cleansing ones reality and thoughts was encouraged by the quality of simplicity. The Creator was asking you to simplify your life, to focus upon only what is needed and to discard experiences or energies that drew you away from your truth and path. With the presence of simplicity a deep cleansing occurred and this allowed people to take more time to focus upon their spiritual development realising that not everything needs focus or attention. The quality of love anchoring once more as the foundation of the energy wave offered a higher vibration of love to anchor, activate from within and be embodied. Whereas in the 09-09-09 energy wave humanities' love was asked to be unconditional, in the 10-10-10 energy wave the focus was on the mind encouraging an adoption of loving mindfulness. This is to be alert, aware and watchful of your mind to ensure that only thoughts of love and from love are created. Loving mindfulness is to be giving of love and forgiveness to your mind, understanding that the negative thoughts that it produces are only habits but the true purpose of the mind is to be a projection tool of your loving soul. We see that even now upon the Earth as the energy wave of 11-11-11 draws close to the Earth, people are still being asked to cleanse their minds to create a loving mindfulness, to connect and communicate with the many aspect of the Creator including their soul. Even the planetary teachings brought forward from Lord Buddha which offer keys to assist humanity at this time of growth speak of a conscious connection, a complete connection at all times. A concentration upon listening to the Earth, nature and Mother Nature was also brought forward with this energy wave, as in order to anchor greater love into the Earth, to experience a deeper oneness with the spirit world and dimensions of the Creator's universe, humanity must work alongside the Earth listening to the ancient wisdom it has to share. Even now there is a need to work with the nature kingdoms, to share your love and respect. We have seen the tree kingdom come forward to remind us that they are working alongside us and wish to be of service but that we must acknowledge their presence. Lord Buddha also spoke about the deep connection between the planetary level and the animal kingdom, how each animal held wisdom for humanity to absorb. The nature kingdom and Earth are speaking ancient words of wisdom to you now and will continue to do so to guide you forward. It is important that you open yourself up to the energetic shifts, activations and anchoring that is occurring on the Earth, by simply holding the intention of being open, sensitive and aware.
Over the last few years leading up to 2012 we have anchored and discovered many energies from the source of the Creator; the qualities of love, unconditional love, loving mindfulness, abundance, acceptance, balance, connection, communication, simplicity, respect and wisdom of the nature kingdom. These are only a few of the qualities, lessons and inspiration that has been anchored as each individual has understood and accepted what they needed from each energy wave. We can see that the Creator has led us through a journey of growth which allows us to be prepared for the shifts in energy and consciousness that will occur within our beings. The qualities and teachings were anchored on these dates because the patterns of numbers hold and symbolise a greater magnification of energy, they also attract humanities attentionso that they can be more open and aware of what is occurring energetically. Many people ask why we use these dates as activations for humanity, some believe that it is simply humanities wish for these dates to be special, to have meaning, but this is not the case. The date patterns such as 09-09-09, 10-10-10 and 11-11-11 have been placed in your energy and within your soul long ago as keys of activation. Even repeating the numbers to yourself over again like a mantra will allow for the necessary activations to take place within your being, like a key that unlocks a new aspect of your energy and consciousness that is appropriate for the current stage of your growth. It is very powerful, even when you mention the date to a friend you are allowing a natural activation from within both of you to occur. It is akin to an unconscious activation, but now that you are aware of this it will become a conscious activation, so the activation can occur before the date because of your focus but will be enhanced around the date because of the intense energies flowing into the Earth. There is always a need for the activation to occur within you first, then it is energised and magnified by the energy wave that anchors, this is the way it has always been.
My purpose of coming forward to you today was to remind you of the previous energy waves which have been anchored, at this time there is a need for you to realign with these energies in a process of completing the lessons and teachings that they have shared so that you may then move forward with ease. It will assist in creating a more complete embodiment in preparation for the 11-11-11 activation. This activation will be the most powerful yet and so there is a need for your energies to be strong and to make sure that you have received all the necessary wisdom from the past energy waves. I feel that each energy wave still has wisdom to share with each of you. You have grown so much over the years and so the teachings that they will share with you may be different or of a greater more expansive understanding. It is true that some of the qualities still need to be integrated deeper into your reality to achieve a more complete embodiment.
I wish to share with you an invocation which can be used to achieve this integration effectively.
'Beloved Archangel Metatron, I understand that you are leader of ascension at this time so I draw your energies, consciousness and soul closer to me now to assist, support and aid my ascension process on the Earth. Please surround me in your loving high vibrational energies.
(Breathe in Archangel Metatron's light)
I ask that you send your light throughout my entire being so that I may be cleansed of negative energies, fears, stagnant energy, unneeded habits and belief systems to prepare my being for accepting light.
(Sit and allow this to occur)
Archangel Metatron, I wish to connect with only the needed and essential energies from each energy wave that will benefit and enhance my current spiritual growth process. Please draw forward the 08-08-08 energy wave and anchor the most appropriate energies of the highest vibration into my being. Let me experience the love and abundant energies of this energy wave, with the teachings and consciousness that is appropriate for me to accept.
(Sit and imagine the energy wave connecting with your crown chakra at the top of your head and flowing through your chakra column and into the Earth, focus on collecting the energy within your heart chakra)
I ask Archangel Metatron and the 08-08-08 energy wave to demonstrate to me the wisdom or insights I need to understand now. I know that the energies are integrating with my being and if this is all that is needed at this time then this is perfect also.
(Sit in acceptance)
Archangel Metatron I call upon you to anchor the most appropriate energies, qualities and wisdom of the highest vibration from the 09-09-09 energy wave into my being now. Let it flow down my chakra column and into the Earth as I focus on collecting the energy within my heart chakra.
(Sit and experience)
I ask Archangel Metatron and the 09-09-09 energy wave to share with me now the necessary wisdom and insights that I need to enhance my spiritual advancement on the Earth.
(Sit in acceptance)
Archangel Metatron I call upon you to anchor the most appropriate energies, qualities and wisdom of the highest vibration from the 10-10-10 energy wave into my being now. Let it flow down my chakra column and into the Earth as I focus on collecting the energy within my heart chakra.
(Sit and experience)
I ask Archangel Metatron and the 10-10-10 energy wave to share with me now the necessary wisdom and insights that I need to enhance my spiritual advancement on the Earth.
(Sit in acceptance)
Archangel Metatron please let these energy waves merge as one energy within my being awakening and activating new wisdom and consciousness from my soul.
(Allow yourself to simply focus upon your heart chakra and soul allowing the integration and activation to occur)
There is much wisdom and insights to be gained from this process; you may feel the energies and inspiration unfolding over the few days after the meditation. This meditation can be practiced as often as you feel necessary before 11-11-11 and beyond if it feels appropriate.
With much love at this special time,
Archangel Metatron
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