At the moment you were created, there appeared a droplet of holy Light – a Twin Ray of Light. This Creation then immediately divided into two cells. These two cells are exactly the same in every way, except that one is male and the other is female. They are holy compliments of each other, in perfect balance – the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine.
He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them ‘Man’. Genesis 5:2
You who are reading this now have been a warrior for the Light. You have come through the densest forms of Creation to raise it all back to Eden. Your Twin Flame has been watching your process as you’ve been living your Earth life. As the observer, they are wise to the many difficulties you have overcome.
As you embarked on the journey of ascension, you incarnated with the veil in place as your flame maintained the awareness that they would be rejoining you in this lifetime, in the physical realm.
Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair. John 12:3The Love that exists between you and your flame is a very high frequency. Sexuality is the natural expression of that Love. And it is the energy, called kundalini, that can be awakened during that expression.
If the kundalini energy succeeds in rising up to perfect your higher centers of energy, it will produce various degrees of spiritual awareness. The result is an enLightening expansion of consciousness that affects every element of your being, from your biological functions to your personal relationships, to your concept of reality, to your influence in the world. Kundalini is a gift. It’s your life force.
Then the Eyes of both of them were opened. And they realized they were Naked. Genesis 3:7There are nuclear dynamics that are involved in the sexual act, which erase the conflicts that exist within the physical body. The resulting atomic fusion then releases the secrets that are locked within each and every atom. This fusion changes the frequency vibration of the mental body, which allows for direct communion with God through the ‘third eye‘ perception.[i]
There are rites of passage through which a person can go in order to ignite this gift. But the key to awakening it during the sexual act is intent. Sexuality is a priceless gift in the attainment of Christ Consciousness. It’s the tantric approach.
And the two will become One Flesh. So they are no longer two, but One. Mark 10:8Parts of our physical bodies are starting to evolve and attach to the higher levels of the new vibration of the Earth. It is the pineal gland that is changing the most. The pineal gland is becoming Crystalline in nature. This allows us to have connections that we never thought were possible.
The pineal gland has also been responsible for the circadian rhythms that determine our sleep patterns. But circadian rhythms are much more than just sleep patterns. They also include our sex drive.
The Law of Gender states that gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes. So it will be the merging of the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine within every one of us that will set Humanity free and create Heaven on Earth.