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Illusions~Heavenletter #3563 Published on: August 27, 2010

God said:
What is it that makes your heart ache so? How do you account for it? How can a heart be so happy one day and not so happy the next? What cruel joke do you play on yourself? You are the whole story. Your story, no matter how it may seem, is dependent upon you and no other. You can only become disillusioned by illusions you carry. Who chooses to illusion yourself if not you? Do you really need illusions so wholeheartedly?
By and large, your illusions boil down to that you are dependent upon something other than yourself for your share of happiness or, by the same token, the obliteration of your designated happiness. You perhaps carry illusion in order to become disillusioned of it. That you are dependent upon others for your well-being is an illusion that will fall by the wayside. It has to because it is an illusion. It is an illusion by the very fact that it lacks truth. It is not Truth that disillusions you. You can not be disillusioned of Truth. You can only be disillusioned of illusion.
Of course, you can make yourself dependent upon others, yet the life of your heart does not depend upon others. It depends upon you. You make yourself happy or unhappy. Be not unhappy because untruth fades away. You have long learned that because you want something a certain way does not make it so. The world as you know it does not always yield you your dreams, or, if it does, it doesn’t always let you keep them.
What this means is that you are the captain of your own ship. This is the inevitability of life in the world. You are your own consort. Perceived otherness in the world does not always bring you your cup of tea, that which you like to perceive as your cup of tea and which may not be. You may be finished with that cup of tea.
You may believe that your happiness is dependent upon this or that, and yet your happiness is dependent upon you. You are responsible for your state of happiness. No one else is. You made your decisions. You are the one who decided that your happiness depended upon something that it does not.
No one outside you is capable of being responsible for your happiness. This is a Grand Illusion. It may seem so, and yet it is not so.
This is a good thing. You don’t really want your happiness to be dependent upon what wafts in or out of your life.
Come, establish yourself in Being.
Life is you and I as One. You are sufficient unto yourself.
You can bend down and smell the sweetness of an iris. So sweet. You can even pick the iris and put it in water in a vase on your mantel. You can love it. You can adore it. You can love it all you want. Nevertheless, the sweetness of the beautiful iris is here today and gone tomorrow. It gives you its essence while it can, and then it can’t any longer. The iris did not let you down. You know better than to assume that your happiness is dependent upon how long the iris offers itself to you in its splendid moments of full beauty. You aren’t despondent because an iris gives you all it can while it can. You are glad for its gifts. You know better than to blame a beautiful iris later for not sustaining your happiness. You never told yourself it could.
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Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts
Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter
Wave After Wave of Love-Heavenletter #3559 Published on: August 23, 2010

God said:
Even a little bit of sun is sun. Even a little bit of joy is joy. You are fortunate to be awake this morning. It is good fortune to be alive. Have you sometimes forgotten that? Awake! Arise! Pull up the blinds. A new day is dawning, and you are alive in it. If you are alive, you are meant to be alive. Be glad for life. And when the time comes, be glad for death. Life of the body, death of the body, each in its own time. But life itself is beyond the limits of time and of space, for life itself is beautifully eternal. There is no interruption to life.
Life strolls down 5th Avenue. Life is an Easter Parade. Later on the body gets off the trolley. The life of the party continues with Me. We stroll through the street-less Heaven, yet Heaven has its walking lanes, or We can say flying lanes, so engaging, so expanding, so limitless is Heaven. Even in life, you and I are walking through the hills and dales of Heaven. It is so natural.
Your body does not have to die in order for you to know Heaven. Heaven is an intimate part of you right now. It is the most intimate part of you, the Heaven part where you do somersaults, for you are as light as air, and you alight in Heaven and you kick off from Heaven. From Heaven you start. From Heaven, every day you start. And every day you do not leave. You are integral to Heaven. It ever was so.
On Earth, you are not so sure what you are doing here. In Heaven, you know what you are doing and why and when and all the ins and outs. It is a breeze, life in Heaven. Regardless of the clamor on Earth and your participation in it, you are nonetheless in Heaven and sure of yourself.
Your jaunt on Earth is a sideline. It is in parentheses. The mainstream of your life is in Heaven. You ride on the Milky Way, as it were, more than you do on the bus. Heaven is the real Grand Central Station. Heaven is truly where the action is, or non-action is. On Earth, you drift off to sleep. You doze and dream a dream of what is called real life.
Ah, but We know where Real Life is and what takes place which does not really take place nor does it take time. We are in a timeless placeless place. We are immersed in a heart of gold. We fly, We swim, and yet We are anchored in Heaven. Heaven is not really a Vacation Home. It is Our True Home. The hearth is love, and in love We are, and in love We stay and never leave. Inundated with love, We fly, and We fly nowhere, and yet We soar everywhere. Love soars. There is nothing else.
We meander, yet there is no meandering. We never miss the target. We always hit the bull’s eye. It is natural. There is nothing to overcome, and so We succumb to all the love in Heaven. We build castles with all this vast love. We build the many mansions in Heaven. We are so in love that We don’t know where love begins and ends, and, of course, it neither begins nor ends, for love is a constant. We don’t even identify love because there is nothing to differentiate from it, and so We are wave after wave of love, love furling and unfurling itself a little bit like poetry or a windfall or blessed breeze which ushers itself to and fro.
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Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts
Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter
Hilarion's Weekly Message August 22-29, 2010~Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

Most Beloved Lightworkers,
For many of you, there will now be a cessation of the situations that you have been trying to work your way through for many, many months and there will be more feelings of lightness and joy in your daily existence. This, too, is part of your task at this present time. The World you live on is in great need of the feelings of joy, happiness and well-being to counteract and balance the general mood of the populace at this time. The more you can stay in these uplifting feelings, the greater the upliftment of the frequency of the mass consciousness grid.
All is well and on track now. I speak to the Beloved Lightworkers of the World who have toiled ceaselessly to overcome the temptations of their human egos that have been operating front and center within the situations in your daily lives within your relationships, whether personal or work related. This is a time of trials and tests and it will continue in the coming months, and we ask you to stand in your Light and continue to stand as a Beacon of Light, Love and Peace in your very homes and neighborhoods, as this assists in bringing stability and balance to all.
All is changing around you and standing firm in your centre, the core of who you are, is of utmost importance at this time. Do not doubt yourselves, for each of you will be called to answer for the actions, thoughts and deeds of others within your circle and you must remember that you do not need to take on their challenges, for it is only through the facing of each challenge personally that growth and Awakening will take place. Each situation must be experienced firsthand and no one else can walk their Path for them. As they do this, they will gradually Awaken to their greater potential.
You Dear Ones are to stay calm and radiate peace and love and practice acceptance of what comes forth from those around you. As you grow more proficient in this, you will realize that you have been coming into your own Mastery, and life will again take on the sense of great adventure and opportunity in these changing times. By your presence, you can transform situations and be pivotal in the influence of the Light in each situation that you find yourself in, for many around you will be purging long buried thoughts, feelings and emotions and you will have to remember not to take personally all that comes forth through them. It is not for you to take responsibility for these, you are just to observe and witness.
Your calm demeanor will have a steadying influence on those around you and your leadership will be sought by the people around you. Suddenly, you will be in demand for your insights and your services and you will be hard put to maintain a balanced way of life, but this you must do, for the most important thing is to keep the stability and balance in the overall energy of those around you. Call upon the Ascended Host to give support and assistance when you see the need and remember that we are here to help, guide and support you and that this is what we promised to do before you came here to the Earth. Your requests are heard and honored at all times.
Go beyond, Beloved Ones, and ask to experience more wonder, more magic, more feelings of inspiration and upliftment, for these will help to anchor the higher Cosmic energies into the Earth’s core. There is much that is waiting to bless and caress you – wonders that seem unimaginable at this juncture of Earth’s, and your, transition. You are creating your New Earth reality and your creation is good, Beloveds, so hold steady.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
Now the Music Can Begin Heavenletter #3557 Published on: August 21, 2010

God said:
All that you experience on Earth is mere experience. And you are the one who experiences. You are the experiencer. You are the interpreter of what you experience. Life on Earth is an experience. It seems like reality, yet experience is like a song being played, a tune hummed, a note written, a note being opened, a note read, a note folded in your hand, or dropped from your hand. Life is a commingling of people leaving notes or picking them up and messages garbled or clear, heavy or light, some in code, some indecipherable, all impinging on the whole Universe as if life were an adornment or a trail left in the sand.
All experience is the same, and yet no two experiences are alike. Everyone reads a different novel, leaves it open at a different page, skips some pages, rereads others, puts the book down, picks it up, opens it, turns to another page, closes it, reads it in the dark, hides it under the bed.
Such a hullabaloo is made of this incidental life. Your life on Earth is like a bobbin that bobs along contributing to stitches sewn on invisible cloth. The thread is never cut. Your fingers retrace the threads, and the seams your fingers trace are called your life. Stitches are not dropped, however, for stitches continue on the same piece of cloth or another joined at the hip. Temporary garments have been woven in many hues, and there is a hue and cry. Garments fade, but the continuance of life enters other streams and then comes up to the surface again like a leaping fish.
A life lived, a life remembered, a life dreamed, a life sought, a life run away from, all the combinations, all the thoughts are life, life serene, or life on a rampage, life hurried, life slow, life trammeled, life untrammeled, life on a march, life at rest, life toggling along its own path leading to where you began. There is no leaving off life. Life follows you and engages you, whirls you in a whirlwind, or lets you tan on the beach.
How powerful is this life you lead wherever you think you lead it. You can’t put life in place. You can’t anchor it. You can only follow it or drift along with it or ride on it or swim under it, and yet you and your life engage, and so the tale is spun, and it is a tale never told before and yet it is not new. It is a spectacle like a new movie of epic proportions, and yet it is a twice-told tale, or one told every day and every night without cease.
Life in the world is not one way. It is many ways. There are many ways to take it. You can’t leave it. You are on the ride of your lifetime, and there is no getting off, and there is no end to it. It is like the Old Man River that just keeps rolling along. Life takes you with it, or you take it with you.
All life is the hope of the future, and the future is known, and the past is not, for the past escapes and bears no scrutiny. The past is a fragment. The future is now, and you are like Joan of Arc carrying not a sword but a light to vanquish misrepresentations of the world, to brighten the world, to lift the world off its feet, to raise the world high, to make the world a troubadour announcing that Heaven has come, and now the music can begin.
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Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts
Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter
Master Hilarion's Weekly Message-August 15-22, 2010

Beloved Lightworkers,
Many changes are now taking place within you and around you. The dimensions are beginning to come closer together and the veils that have kept you blinded are being lifted from you and you will notice that your perceptions are getting ever more accurate and your intuition is always leading you upon the Path you have set for yourselves before you came to the Earth plane. Look around you and notice how everything is feeling the Oneness of all that is. Those of you who have been doing your inner work are beginning to feel a greater Lightness of Being and you are beginning to experience more and more moments of joy and bliss, for no apparent reason other than it feels so good.
Our Scribe has now begun a steady thought stream of ‘thank you’ and is training herself to be in deep gratitude at all times. There have been and still are, many challenges in her daily life and in her beloved family members’ lives that have tested and are testing, each. As in the lives of each of you, our Scribe has had to walk the ways of this World and experience the many challenges that beset Humanity. Many seeming injustices have occurred without apparent purpose and yet, she has been able to keep her bottom line – and that is - that Love is the greatest force in the Universe. Each of you are also connecting deep within yourselves, at the core of your Being, and are emerging stronger and brighter than ever. We know it has not been easy, but it was necessary and there will come a time when all will be made totally clear to you.
Have faith in your Higher Self and Great I AM Presence and trust that you are each being guided to be in the right place at the right time, doing exactly the right thing. All is as it should be and the deeper purpose of many of these testings and trials will become apparent in retrospect, for this is the process of learning as it takes place upon the Earth. These changing times require you to be adaptable and flexible and able to change plans at a moment’s notice and also being able to bend and move as the Willow tree is important whilst at the same time embodying the qualities of the upright and mighty Oak, whose roots go deep into Mother Earth. Cast your roots down into the center of Mother Earth and take some time each day to connect to Her in whatever way works best for you. Feeling the Oneness is now the next step on your Path to Ascension.
Each of you will begin to express yourselves in a greater capacity than ever before and your words will carry the essence of the greater Being that you truly are. Do not sell yourselves short, Beloved Ones, for truly you are the Light upon this World and what you say, think and do has enormous impact upon the Mass Consciousness of this Planet. When you find yourselves expressing thoughts, words and feelings that are not of the Highest vibrations, realize that this is the cleansing process that is occurring and try to have a sense of humor about it, so that you have the ability to laugh at yourselves and to forgive yourselves for any seeming transgressions. Realize also, Dear Ones, that the more you decree the Light, the greater will be the resistance from those parts of yourselves that you have carried with you in this lifetime and other lifetimes as well, which are ready to be transmuted and brought into the Light. This is why it is important to PERSIST in your daily disciplines, for daily practice makes this process much easier.
Do not look so much at what is being expressed upon the World stage but tend to your own ‘garden’ to ensure an abundant harvest of all the good that you desire and deserve, for this is what will manifest, as surely as night follows the day. Always honor your selves and your needs and listen to what your body and your Soul wishes to impart to you. This process is ongoing and does become easier and more filled with grace as you work through them. Love yourselves and be patient with one another. All is well and you are all doing an excellent job! We are so deeply grateful to be working with you during these exciting times that are even now having a far reaching effect upon everyone and everything upon your Beloved Planet Earth.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff
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One Wholeness of Love Heavenletter #3556 Published on: August 20, 2010

God said:
Your shining heart lights the Earth much like the sun. Your heart is a spinning round of love, a spinning centrifugal force of love. Rich ripe grapes from your heart are plucked and thrown across the Universe, and the grapes of love soar. The grapes are much sought after.
From where grapes come, the swallowers may not know, yet they eat the grapes and are nourished just the same.
You toss love from your heart, and the love you toss lands you know not where, and, yet, because of your anonymous love, there is no famine on the land.
Love is the necessary ingredient in everything. Without the essential ingredient of love, not one thing would grow or move or even stay still. Not even one weed would grow without love.
You may say you do not love weeds, and that they grow without your love. Listen, love is as much the life force of weeds as love is the life force of roses, just as much as love is the life force that you are. Love cognized you and every living thing on the planet, and everything on the planet is a living spinning thing. There is no inanimate. There is only love alive.
Even a stone is not a dead weight. It spins. It spins in joy. It heaves itself, a living breathing thing. It is the stuff that mountains are made of. The minerals hold your foot as you climb and boost you and hold you firm and salute your climb.
Love creates more love. There is no end to love, and, therefore, there is no end to life. It is said that life forms are converted and changed. No matter the details, the point is that love and life continue, and there is not one without the other.
There is an internal field of love and an outcropping. There is an eternal field of love on which the winds, which are themselves love, blow the leaves of love and spread them further.
There is a conspiracy of love on Earth, and you are part of it. We could say that love is a shape-shifter, or that you are love in many guises, and yet the eternal nature of love does not change, nor can love be kept locked up somewhere. Love will out. Love created the world, and love is taking over the world. You are overtaking love. You are admitting to your role in the world and putting on your cap or your beret.
You are unrolling a huge canvas, and you paint a picture of the world on it. You are the canvas. You are the painter. And you are the picture of the world that you paint. You paint with love. You are the love that paints.
You play so many roles, you slip in and out of them, and you don’t always know when you are playing or when you are not, when you are on land or sea, when you are yourself or someone else, or whether you are here at all, or where you have been, and what you were doing, or where you are now, and whom you have been with. You may be a game-maker, a costumer for love, a magician, a disappearing act, a troubleshooter or troublemaker.
You do not know if you are at all, for you and I are merged and cannot be pulled apart to be examined. We, the One of Us, cannot be taken apart to be dissected and identified. We, the One of Us, no longer distract Our One Self from the business of love We are about. We are Love, One Wholeness of Love Forevermore.
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Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts
Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter
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