
Archangel Michael The New Earth Energies October 25 2011

The New Earth Energies October 2011

Beloved family of Light, this is a great moment in the Transformation of Planet Earth and the establishment of the New Earth and the Golden Age of Peace and Love. You have reached the Time Portal, or Stargate, that is called 11/11/11, on the 11th of November 2011. It represents a "Cosmic Moment" of Global Awakening and Unity, and the Moment when the "Light Codes" or "Cosmic Codes" of Renewal are received into the Crystalline grids of the Earth. The Reception of the Codes of Renewal will again accelerate the frequencies of the Earth Hologram, allowing for Reconnection with the Seventh Dimension of Consciousness, as the Planet continues on her Journey into the Divine Heart of Multi-Dimensional Consciousness.
It is indeed a Moment of Joy and Celebration. You are on your way "Home"...both Individually and as a Planetary Civilization. The Great Awakening is under way! Those of you who are ready are stepping into your New Earth Soul Purpose and becoming the Multi-Dimensional wayshowers for Humanity. As Earth settles into the Fifth Dimensional Holographic Matrix of the New Earth, Humanity is learning how to express the Oneness and the Unity Consciousness of Interconnection that is the Essence of the Fifth Dimension. Daily, you are beginning to perceive that you are truly Planetary Citizens, One Family with common problems and issues. And, you are beginning to see that you can only solve these problems by coming together in Peace and Love to create a New Path forward.
Beloved Family of Light, we celebrate with you this Great Moment of Transformation. At the end of 2010 we were overjoyed when the Earth made her "Ascension" leap from the Old Third-dimensional Timeline and into the New Fifth-dimensional Timeline. At that point, all the "End Time" scenarios were rendered invalid as the Earth and all her Living beings aligned with the Reality of Re-Birth and the New Earth. Then, in August of 2011, at the time of the Lion's Gate, you took another Great Step forward as you connected with the Sixth Dimension and the Flows of Abundance and Manifestation that will unlock the New Earth. Those of you who were ready anchored these energies into the "Rose Lines" of the Crystalline grids, those energetic meridians that carry the Cosmic Christ Consciousness from the Divine Heart into the Heart Grid of the Planet.
Now, at the 11/11/11, those of you who are entering into Multi-Dimensional Consciousness as Wayshowers, will anchor the Seventh Dimension, the Consciousness of the Ascended Masters of Light. You will become not only Masters of the Earth Plane reality, but you will integrate also the Spiritual Mastery and Wisdom that will prepare you for your New Roles as Stewards and Guardians of the New Earth and Keepers of the New Earth reality. This connection will mean the "end" of "religion" as an organized means of control, and the recognition finally of Individual Spiritual Connection with the Divine Heart. At the Seventh Dimension of Light, there is a Clear Understanding of the Divine Light in all things and the Joy of celebrating the Divine Light and Heart in Ceremonies of Sacred Communion and Love.
You will also become the Guides and Teachers for those who are just beginning their Journey of Awakening and leaving the third-dimensional matrix for the Higher Awareness of Fifth-dimensional Planetary Mastery. Just as you have worked to master the Skills of this New reality, so you will be called to show others how to become Masters and to Remember Who They Are and to Walk in Empowerment and Love.
The Codes of Renewal
Beloved Ones, as you approach the 11/11/11 you are already beginning to receive the Codes of Renewal. These are Light Codes that will activate and energize the processes of Renewal on the Earth. The "Codes of Renewal" are Cosmic Light Information "packages" or downloads that carry the instructions from the Divine Heart for the Renewal of All Creation at this New Cycle of Cosmic Birthing. The "End" is is truly the Time of Birthing and Beginning.
The "Codes of Renewal" are activating your Light Body and your DNA, both to align with the Original Blueprint for Divine Multi-Dimensional Human Life Forms, and to receive New Information for developing the Human Form is new ways. This means that there will be strong "electrical" energies that will be sending electrical "charges" through the Light Body and into the Physical Body, where the physical DNA will also receive the information of Renewal and Regeneration.
The Effect of this New Energy will be to accelerate the Frequency of the Light Body and the Physical Body, making for a Higher and Finer experience of Reality in those who are ready to embrace the new frequencies and embody them as masters of the New Reality on the New Earth.
In broader terms, the Codes of Renewal will affect every aspect of Life on Earth as the New Fifth Dimensional matrix takes shape and begins to manifest new ways of being that will express the Human Divine capacity for Love, Peace and Abundance. Every aspect of Life will be reconsidered and restructured to align with the New Reality. This process will accelerate as the Codes of renewal are anchored and grounded into the New Earth Grids.
Beloved family of Light, it will be your privilege to receive and anchor this energy so that All on Earth may benefit from the Abundance and Blessings that are pouring down to the Earth since the anchoring of the Sixth Dimension of Consciousness. It is time for All to benefit, and so, the old economic system that created poverty and ecological destruction is crumbling, and will be replaced by a new way of life that will arise, based on sustainable and ethical principles that will guarantee the very basic Human Rights of food, shelter, clothing and education for everyone, as well as the opportunity to develop and grow according to the Soul Plan of each being.
These changes will evolve out of the anxiety and chaos that you now see around you. Those of you who came to the Earth with Soul Plans that call for New Communities and New Social and Economic systems, will be called now to begin to offer your gifts abd align with your Higher Purpose. The "Codes of Renewal" will activate and accelerate those whose work is to be part of the Renewal and Birth of the New Earth Reality.
Beloved Ones, as the "Codes of Renewal" are streaming inward to the Earth from the Divine Cosmic Heart, it is a good time to consider how you may align yourself more fully with your Soul Purpose and the new incoming energies.
The Rainbow Bridge and the Role of the Indigo/Crystals between 11/11/11 and 12/12/12
There is a Soul Group or Soul Family whose specific Soul Purpose is now undergoing a major Shift. This is the Indigo-Crystal Soul Family. Initially their work was to provide the impetus for the Great Awakening and Transformation of the Planet, by challenging systems and empowering themselves by Remembering their Divine Heritage as Human Angels and activating the DNA Light Codes necessary for the Awakening and Transformation.
Now, however, many of this group are moving forward into new roles that will enable the establishment of the New Earth. The Indigo-Crystal Soul Family are the "Rainbow Bridge" into the New Reality. It is the younger people, primarily those under 40, who will provide the creative energy to propel new ideas to the forefront in technology, economics and social interaction. These new ideas will be the "seeds" that will germinate and take form as a new way of life.
Once this "Rainbow Bridge" of new ideas and concepts has been established, you will "cross over" to a new Multi-dimensional way of life that honors the earth and all who live on her, and war and poverty will become things of the past.
There are many Indigo-Crystal beings, both the young and those who have awakened and made the shift, who are now ready to embrace a New Soul Purpose for the New Earth.
This New Soul Purpose will align fully with the New Earth and by the 12/12/12 Homecoming Celebration in 2012, this Group of Soul Leaders will have seeded the new structures and communities that will take the Earth across the Rainbow bridge and into the Final Triple Stargate of Time gate. This will be the period from 12/12/12 to 21/12/12, a period of 9 days in which the final integrations and alignments with the Cosmic Heart will be achieved, and the earth will be "re-set" for her next Grand Cycle of Evolution into Peace, Harmony and Love.
So, many of you will discover in the next year that your Soul Purpose has changed and been realigned quite radically, as you begin a "new incarnation" in the same physical body. This will mean great changes in the lives of many as you prepare for what we will call the "Final Shift" in this process in 2012. By now, Beloved New Earth Family, you are accustomed to the Flow of Change and you know how to accept and surrender to the destiny of your Soul with Grace and Joy. You can be sure that you are moving to a place of Joy and Happiness within the New Earth Reality.
The Indigo-Rose Stargate 11/11/11
Beloved New Earth Family, in November of 2009, at the first 11/11/11 event, we guided you into the opening of the Cosmic Rose Stargate and the opening of your own Personal "Ascension Stargates". This was the activation of the Crown Chakra, with the Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Centers, allowing you to begin to experience the full connection of Multidimensionality. Then at the Solstice of 2010 we activated the Soul Star Chakra and the Earth Star Chakra, allowing you to fully ground and integrate these new energies. Each one of you that has allowed this Transformation now has the "connection" chakras to allow the blossoming into Multi-dimensional and Cosmic Reality.
At this second 11/11/11 Stargate, the Earth herself aligns and connects with her Cosmic Destiny. Just as you became the Golden Chalice of Light at the first 11/11/11 Stargate, now the Earth becomes a Chalice of Light and is filled with the Cosmic Christ Energy!
Beloveds, this means that the Ascended Earth has become Sacred and filled with the Christ Light and Divine Unconditional love. It means that those who seek to exploit the Earth and her People will no longer succeed. The Divine Plan will no longer allow this kind of behaviour or support these kinds of actions. Only those who use Free Will to choose Love, Peace and Harmony will flourish in the New Reality. It is indeed Time for the Peace Makers to inherit the Earth!
We Celebrate with you at the 11/11/11!
For those of you who would like to share with Celia Fenn and Archangel Michael at the 11/11/11, we will be in New York City. There will be a free meditation in Central Park, and on the 12th and 13th we will anchor the Light Codes for the Fifth and Sixth dimensions in New York.
For more information please Click Here.

Isis-NECESSARY CHANGES October 22, 2011

Isis, necessary changes

As I have explained a lot about the earth grid in my previous messages, I will just give a short overview and move on to another subject.
  1. The old earth grid is not a real grid, it is comprised of many holograms connected together to syphon off your energy, and to be used as a control system.
  2. The new earth grid is not complete yet as it cannot be fully completed because too many are still connected to the old earth grid.
  3. There are the ones out there with the intent of working with the new crystalline grid as many call it. The interference is that this will bring energy of the old control system into the new grid.
  4. Now the ones that intent on working with the new grid are not connected are not connected to the new earth grid, they only connect at the moment of their work as their intent allows them to do so. They do not realize the connection to the old grid will interfere with any good intentions they have.
  5. There are some groups working on clearing and repairing a crystalline grid. They do not seem to intend to work with the new grid, but they are focused on the old grid system, which is a hologram. This can be deducted from the fact they are intent on clearing the grid system. The new earth grid does not need clearing as is it not completed at this moment.
  6. There is no certain place on earth that connects to this new grid as it does not reside within the earths physical body, it has been placed outside the earth as she is preparing for her ascension, all that is not hers will be removed.
  7. Disconnecting from the old earth grid is a first step.
  8. Connecting to the new grid is the second step
  9. Any connecting to a grid is however only to be seen as a support system and you will release this connection at one point in your process.
  10. The support is there for you to start becoming consciously aware of your inner being and the oneness within you.
  11. Some are able to disconnect from the old grid and connect to the new grid, many are going to need help as they do not have the conscious awareness at this moment to complete this process.
  12. The ones that do have the awareness will find their own way and it is not for me to find a way for them as there are many possibilities in completing this process.

These are the most important points about the grid systems and you can find more information in previous messages.

I would now like to focus on what happens after you connect with the new earth grid system.

It is only the beginning as there is much more to be done to be able to take full advantage of the new energies, even though they are not flowing fully yet as the system is not complete.

There are many other interferences present either within the human energy bodies or even higher bodies. Many of them implanted as part of the control system. This is not something that came up just the last couple of years.

The ascension of the earth has been planned for thousands of years and the control system has placed some of their, we call it security devices, to prevent many from rising too far, moving too far away from the control system.

Many of these securities will start at certain times as you start to raise your frequencies.

A lot of them are already knows, like for example the jehovian seals within the human energy bodies, and within the earth and they will be removed from the earth in the coming year. There are many healers out there that know about these that can assist you with this part.  

There are also many implants that become active once you move into higher frequencies. Keep vigilance in clearing these and protect yourself when you move through different dimensions.

Become a channel of your own being.

Many are out there channeling and the only reason most of them want to be a channel is so they can channel other beings. This is not the real purpose of channeling as channeling your own being is where the real truth is to be found.

When I, Isis, for example channel the energy for a message, I will keep it precise and clear, to the point.

When you see the messages from many channels you see a lot of words describing only a couple of points. This because the channel is interjecting their own thought and hopes into the message. They write the message in way they would like many things to be and sometimes this brings in a lot of unnecessary words that dilute the message into something that is not revealing the real points as directly as possible, they are located within the forest of additional influence.

The energy I am sending is being translated by the channel and the human mind is what writes the message. They translate the energies into words that are words used by the channel. And within that translation is also at many times the thought and belief system of that channel.
This is why we see so many different messages and people are receiving the energy of the messages in different ways.

Many rate the messages through their own thought and belief system.

I am only explaining this as it is more important to me that many of you start to channel your own being and do not focus on channeling other beings as the first intent of channeling.

Channeling requires focus and practice, but also a clear path within your own being. This is why I brought up the importance of clearing the physical energy bodies and higher spiritual bodies so there is no interference within the messages you receive.

This is also of course of great importance as you channel other beings, as many will channel any being that comes into their energy field and most of the time have no system of differentiation between the beings as they can only feel the energy and energy is something that can be deceiving. Even if the being tells you their name, be aware that there are many imposters out there and they are capable of working in many different energies, even the Christ consciousness energies and more higher frequencies as they are not bound by the limitation of the physical body and travel though many dimensions.

This is why it is of great importance to channel your own being and through connecting within your own being become a channel of higher and higher parts of your own being.

And of course clearing and clearing constantly as you move further up within the frequencies and connect to more and more parts of your being. Each part of your being contains learning experiences of previous life times and holds the energies of those life times. This means that you clear these parts as you have to clear any and all that you do not want to keep within this life time.  

Some of these energies might be of other people and you want to send that back to them and disconnect from those people and connections in previous life times as you are working on becoming a complete being. Like I explained with the process of mother earth, no energies that do not belong within you.

This is my message for today.


Through Petra Margolis
October 22, 2011



As 11-11-11 is coming closer and many are now focusing on the new earth crystal grid that is being built, I would like to explain a bit more of the working of this new grid compared to the old grid.

The old earth grid and yes most of you are connected to this, is a hologram that has been syphoning off your energies and has been and still is used for control, to send fear and other information that is being received by you and the collective human consciousness.

As you are awakening there are parts of the process of ascension that are different from planetary ascension. Especially the part where many activations, initiations, and changes have to be done consciously. This is part of the process of awakening. Conscious awakening as this is what allows you to start creating the real change within the earth reality.

This is why it is important to have a conscious experience of disconnecting yourself from the old earth grid and then if you like connect to the new earth grid.
Now the new earth grid is not complete as it is still being built and it does not reside within the earth anymore.

This is done for a specific reason, as the earth is ascending all energies that are not her own are to be removed.

This is the same process as it is for each human and every other being that ascends, you cannot ascend with the energy of others within you.

Now removing yourself from the old grid, is not done by just intent or raising your frequency. As many are still connected to the old earth grid, the raising of the frequency can be a false experience as the old grid will provide false experience of being lighter and within a higher dimension. This is part of the control that is being used.

The same for the new earth grid, connecting to it is not done by intent, but by having the correct frequency and then consciously connect yourself.

Disconnecting from the old earth grid is the first step to do this as without disconnecting from this grid every part of energy work you do with the new grid will be not at the most effective energy level possible.

I know many will not believe this, and many will go on ignoring this message as it does not resonate with them. This is your free will and your own choices that have to be made.

I am here to bring you the information, what you do with it is your choice.


Through Petra Margolis
October 21, 2011

Archangel Gabriel October 20 2011

AA GABRIEL - Weekly message - October 20, 2011
20 October 2011
Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff
October 20, 2011

Beloved Ones,

I would like to have discourse with you on the quality of love known as trust. Now trust involves many of the other attributes and qualities of love and nobility. Trust implies the keeping of the sanctity of one’s relationship with self, with others, with Creator. One gives all worry over to their higher Presence and extends that trust, that Love to others. This quality of Love is most important in a personal relationship, for without this quality, the relationship flounders in insecurity and doubt and the relationship cannot be sustained without trust as the foundation. It is the cornerstone and key in life.

When one’s trust in another is shattered, it creates a ripple effect that touches upon all that existed previously and was the basis upon which all else was built. Without this foundation, maintaining continuity in relationship is not possible unless one of the partners in the relationship is willing to do all that is possible to reestablish that trust. This requires ongoing diligence and perseverance, for the one who has been wronged has had their foundation rocked to the very core of their Being. It is possible to make reparations by consistent good deeds and devotion in order to heal what was shattered when the other’s trust was violated.

All that went before becomes a focus of scrutiny and observance, all that was taken for granted as written in love upon each heart, becomes fluid and no longer viable and calls into question every other aspect of relationship and the way to healing becomes obscured as questions arise and are not answered satisfactorily. For the one who was wronged, life becomes a series of questions that must be answered, answers that make sense and can heal the broken trust. Many times, misunderstandings arise when events happen that make one of the partners in a relationship seem as though they have violated the other’s trust when in fact, the events were entered into in total innocence and naivety.

If this occurs then the one who created the misunderstanding must do everything in their power to make the other aware of the misunderstanding. It cannot be swept under a rug and not dealt with in order to continue the status quo, for this is a breach of trust and must be cleared as quickly as possible with heartfelt sincerity and honesty. Anything less than this will not ease the other’s heart and their shaken faith in all that was perceived as good in their relationship. Many times relationships end due to these misunderstandings because one or both of the partners were not willing to forego their ego justifications and look beyond that to the beauty and clarity of their heart, and they let something precious and wonderful slip away.

In all things, always act with honesty and integrity in all that you do. By your example, you enable others to do the same. Always cultivate trust for that is an important and integral quality of love that is crucial to the happiness of yourselves and others who share your daily life. Above all, trust your higher Presence and Creator of All That Is, for always, they are guiding you to your own highest good.

I leave you now to ponder on these words and trust that you will find the jewel in them.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Master Hilarion October 2-9 2011

October 2-9, 2011
Beloved Ones,
As you go forth in your daily lives you are finding that your ability to discern truth has grown by leaps and bounds. No longer are you held back in self doubt, thinking that you might be in illusion. Now you are on track with your Divine destiny and everything around you will be reflecting this back to you. Accept and allow the Universe to support you as you continue upon your Path. Have faith and trust that all that you need will be provided to you when and as needed. Everything that you need for your next step will just beautifully appear before you in perfect, divine timing.
You have all earned this right. You have labored many, many lifetimes to arrive at this point. Take heart and embrace this new condition. Relax into it and give yourselves the nurturance that you so richly deserve. Stay centered within your heart and continue to make this part of your physical Being the most important focal point of concentration. BE love in all your thoughts, words, deeds and actions. Feel yourselves loving unconditionally, everyone and everything that you come into contact with and continuously bless all that manifests before you, for what you put out into the World you live in shall now be returned to you in greater magnitude of blessing.
Make discourse with the Higher realms a daily part of your day and we mean this in a literal sense. Talk to us, tell us your hopes, dreams and Earthly concerns. Ask for our assistance with your current challenges, then look for our answers in reply. Our answers come in many ways, through thought transference, through images, words, thoughts, impulses, through the words that are spoken to you by others. Learn to observe all of life around you and you will begin to discern the daily miracles that manifest all about you. Life around you teems with endless possibilities; all that is required is that you believe that it is possible and open to them.
Many cycles of Earth and soul evolution are coming to an end and a World of wonder and newness is now on the horizon. We know that you are weary, that sometimes, as the old thoughts and emotions you thought you had mastered and long ago transmuted come back for cycling once again, and that you feel so ready for something fresh and new. This period will soon be behind you and the old patterns and programs of the old paradigms of Earth shall gently recede from your memory and in its place, you are even now creating new templates of conduct and discourse.
It is the time to go deep within yourselves and begin to understand and know yourselves completely, to accept yourselves just as you are completely, to love yourselves unconditionally, to affirm your wholeness and perfection. You have done the work and there is more work ahead of you. Know that now the support from the Higher realms that has been available to you is so much easier to connect to and discern. Look for us as you daily labor, for we are with you always. We come as flashes of light in the periphery of your vision. You have all seen this many times.
Continue to walk your Path with the highest honor, honesty and integrity, for it is in your example that those around you will begin to look for answers, for a better way for themselves. They will seek to emulate that which they perceive and admire within you. They will want to possess the pearl beyond price which you possess. Your Light and the Light of all Lightworkers worldwide will be eagerly sought, for they will be magnetically attracted to you as moths to a flame. You have everything you need within you, Beloveds. Shine forth and shine brilliantly!
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Archangel Michael: Emissaries to Earth: Bring Forth Your Light

Archangel Michael: Emissaries to Earth: Bring Forth Your Light

channeled by Meredith Murphy September 22, 2011
The Golden Dome of Light that exists as your multi-dimensional Star-gate, is coming online. What this means is that each of you have access to greater amplifying capabilities of your own internal harmonics.  This is important for it is your own harmonics which broadcast and magnetize across dimensions, that which has harmonic resonance with you.  It’s how you create the experience of manifestation—the physical convergence of your experience with desires you have within your heart.  The increased amplification of your inner light temple.
I invite you to relate to your own sacred energy system as a temple—for you are One with All-That-Is, with God, with Source Creation; sacred and holy.  Your energy system is the dwelling place of your consciousness, your awareness and also the means by which you are able to exist as a multi-dimensional energy systems capable of both interfacing locally and non-locally, meaning—with the whole vastness of being.
The amplification of your inner light temple allows you to let go of doing in ways that was not that easy for you to understand in the past.  It allows for creation in new ways.  Today I wish to explore this dynamic further and create greater understanding for you in opening yourself to this doorway of light.
We call this a doorway of light, for light is energy and in your experience your ability to conduct and transmit light, of increasing intensity and of higher frequency is what creates enlargement of awareness and elevation of experience.  There is an opening to vaster light that is available to you, to merge more fully with the stream of aliveness which you already experience and it is calling out to you!
It is these waves of incoming light and your increasing ability to integrate and vibrate in resonance with them, that allows you to ride the ascending energies as part of the vector, as one with the energy--rather than having an experience of the energy, rather than being a more dense, rigid energy system which experiences as separate from itself and the knows the energies in ways that create great challenges and potentially great discomfort.
Stored within your DNA are elements of past civilizations and cultures.  We repeatedly remind you that these exist and that they emerge in divine timing.  In the Omni-verse, divine timing refers to alignment—geometric, galactic, cosmic--an energetic alignment.   What this means is that when you exist energetically at a frequency and within a compatible energy system, then this level of vibration automatically releases stored aspects of your DNA which are now able to be realized, understood, integrated, worked with, lived from.  It is these budding moments of time which are creating your continual experience of newness and of blossoming into your fuller self.
There is great joy and a thrilling sense of upliftment when one remembers key aspects of experience; for the energy system inherently recognizes the value of this information being re-instated.  This occurs in sequential fashion, although not in a linear fashion—sequential in terms of vibration, in terms of frequency—and it occurs in a spherically expanding fashion accessing various corridors of light, creating radiance, as your field spins and gathers itself into fuller awareness and opens to glimpses of infinite time.
One of the challenges you face increasingly in these coming days, is to take yourself and your awakening seriously.
The gap between those of you who have been the way showers, the early awakeners and the waves that quickly followed, and those who are still not aware of the broader dynamics in play and affecting their experience and the worldly events around them, is now quite enormous.
The challenge arises as you are increasingly called to bring your lifestyle into greater alignment with your vibration and your knowing.  Each of you are growing in your capacity to claim what you know and this creates a sacredness to your experience.  This appreciation of what is taking place is made by possible by embracing and trusting in the reality of the planetary ascension process, and it brings the element of the sacred to your lives and into your energy field.  It brightens the very nature of your energy.  It is this awareness which facilitates your ability to most fully engage with solar flares, with the energy transmitted by sacred places and ley lines of the planet, the fertile quality of water and the contact you have with your own multi-dimensional extensions of light.  This sacred tenor of your vibration is urging you to bring your material expression into full alignment with your spiritual essence. 
Knowing how to do this, in a family, community, in society and in a world in which many are still unaware of the presence of these ideals and experiences you know to be quite real, requires bravery, courage, wisdom and most of all faith.
One of the primary things you may do which will nourish your faith is to take yourself and your experiences seriously and to cultivate the things in your life which validate and encourage you in doing so.  This may include building relationships with other Lightworkers who you resonate with—near or far, reading inspirational information, creating rituals and practices—avoiding habits, but returning to a reverent, focused, sacred orientation and appreciation--on a daily basis being present in ways which keep you connected to your stream, regardless of the way people around you live.
You cannot hold other people to your ideals and values; for this will only create conflict and suffering for both of you.  Instead, using the enormous strength which you may underestimate and yet has been amply demonstrated throughout your own courageous awakening, release any last remaining vestiges of ego-dominance and engage your mind in finding ways to be loving and peaceful to these other beings, while living life on your own terms.
See them in your mind-heart vision as allowing you to be in your own energy field and you allowing them theirs.  You will very naturally entrain them to your higher frequency as they are able to shift toward it.  So that which you are capable of offering to them, in a desire to share your bliss, happens organically and with no need on your part to exert an effort.  The focus that will benefit you most, is to create a joy-filled life that reflects these indisputable values you hold so dear and realize the impact that will truly have energetically throughout the cosmos.
The sacred dome of light opening within you is a virtual antennae; used for broadcasting and receiving multi-dimensional communication.  It is a vertical conduit for energy which exists within you and it open to the vastness of being.  The sacred dome is an etheric opening to the planes of light that exist beyond your local experience on the Earth.  This energetic transmitter resides within your energy field naturally, nestled within your heart chakra and it is the sacred multi-dimensional temple of your being.  Each of you exists as an energetic temple of light, embodying the potent uplifting energies of Source Creation as filtered and configured by your own energetic blueprint.  This energetic genesis point can be expanded into a Stargate.  It can allow you to travel and transmit between points and beyond dimensional boundaries.  It facilitates expanded communication with your star, angelic, or other soul and start families and allows you to use your physical body as a means of bringing the energy from these other locations into the Earth plane.  It is an expansion of the very channeling you innately do by conducting your own life force energy.  It is an enlarged capacity of your human vessel and it places you in a powerful position to participate in creating the New Earth.
The doorway to this Stargate within you exists in your heart chakra and is enabled by your clearing of this as well as your solar plexus and throat chakras.  Your will and your voice are essential to actualizing the potential of this functionality.  The capability is also facilitated by the sacred perspective toward your life experience as well as the refinement of your energy field to actualize your own living Merkaba in expanded ways beyond the initial potential of this configuration.  Not all of you are preparing to open your field yet in these ways, but for many of you it is being initiated as you are preparing to become the multi-dimensional embodiment of your expansive focus, grounded and flowing through the focus of your human energy field.
The meditation process that opens you most easily to discovering, connecting and further opening the presence of this Stargate is toning.  The process of intuitively toning your own sound.  By playing the vibrational keys which open you to expanded awareness and then once you have discovered and established the resonant tones, repeating these, using them to cultivate a state of  great bliss and expansiveness while remaining grounded.  This is a process of synching yourself and opening and connecting various grid alignment points and etheric energetic overlays.  You will know when to stop and once you have activated your field through this process, you may initiate communication and/or travel to Cities of Light of your choosing.  Although many of you may travel to Cities of Light in meditations already, you are creating an access point within, you own portal in this process that allows you to access many points and cities of light.  Cities of Light may also be accessed powerfully and directly while visiting sacred sites where Cities of Light exist, and to invite or request access.  You may also request to be allowed entry and to travel there in your dreams.
This process of learning and establishing a reliable connection with yourself in this fashion and to begin, then to consciously explore the Cities of Light connected with your own lineage is an important element to embracing your role as a multi-dimensional emissary of your own soul family, on Earth.
I invite you to begin this process by joining with me in the Etheric Temple located at Lake Louise in Canada.  The vortex system located there is my Earthly refuge; it is a powerful sacred location and you may visit this by asking three times to enter and stating your desire to receive whatever experience, activations, information and connections that will benefit you at this time.  I welcome you there and am available at any time that you would wish to commune with me-- with the Legion of Michael or in a more intimate setting.  The most beneficial arrangement will come forth unless you specify your intention.  It is a great joy to share the energetic frequency of this place with any of you who wish to become familiar with the gifts present and to commune there with me.
You are going to discover in the coming months that the call to open up and create a multi-dimensional lifestyle is urging and pressing from within you in all kinds of ways.  2012 is a year in which the emergence of the multi-dimensional lifestyle will be visible in those of you on the leading edge as you begin to remember the ancient ways and teachings of collaboration and co-creation and refresh these anew with the modern, divine knowing of your true nature.
You will experience this as pressure--for it will be increasingly difficult and you will find old ways of living incompatible with your vibration which is increasingly refined.  It will be felt as pressure because you are feeling the impulse, strongly, to express and create in ways that are not already apparent.  You will feel yourself and this strong energy urging to be given form and focus.  So this is the source of the pressure--do not concern yourself with this feeling in a way that is negative or of concern; recognize it as the impulse to birth something new!  Simply allow yourself to be altered and remade by the flow of your own energy and the transformative powers of your own inherent light.
You have made this possible through your impeccability and your faith.  It is the immense passion for life and love along with your endurance and self-love throughout the difficult moments, which is preparing you for initiating the New Earth through your own example of multi-dimensional living.  The Earth is comprised of secret agents!  Emissaries from many star, angelic and other families of the vastness of being.  Realize that your focus is a convergence point facilitating your own lineage flowing into, merging and participating in the creation of the New Earth.  Allow your lifestyle to begin reflecting that which intuitively speaks to you.  This will shape your environment, the way you relate to all of life on Earth, the care of your body and mind, the expression of yourself through work and relationships, the things that you are drawn to as experiences of ease, joy, fun and adventure, the level and quality of abundance which resonates and supports your thriving—all of this will be unique and reflect Spirit as flowing through the particularity of you.
So remain steadfast in your faith.
Remind yourself that you are the energy—the energy is not happening to you.  And return to an awareness of this next stage of embodying your fullest light.  It is far more than you may realize what takes place by your conscious awareness of the procession of evolution taking place upon the planet.  It creates a collective awareness of the possibility of understanding life and of being; so you being conscious and returning to a clear, aware understanding of what is underway, makes that viewpoint more accessible for others.  I invite you to reflect upon this transmission, particularly beautiful would be to reflect upon this in communion with nature, and to discern your sense of its relationship to your aliveness at this point.
I welcome even greater communion and collaboration with you!  I am available to you in all ways and at all times.
I AM Archangel Michael.
(Note: this message was originally transmitted during the Expect Wonderful Legion of Michael monthly gathering on Saturday, September 17, 2011 as part of the prepartion for the Equinox.  When I transcribed it yesterday and today, Michael expanded further upon the channeling to make it more clear in written form and encouraged me me to share it at large.)
© 2009-2011, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.  *

Twin Flames & the Law of Gender

Twin Flames & the Law of Gender

Please repost with this link at the top: Reposted from The Awakening Website

At the moment you were created, there appeared a droplet of holy Light – a Twin Ray of Light. This Creation then immediately divided into two cells. These two cells are exactly the same in every way, except that one is male and the other is female. They are holy compliments of each other, in perfect balance – the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine.
He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them ‘Man’. Genesis 5:2
Law of GenderBefore you incarnated here, you and your Twin Flame agreed as to which one of you would play the role of the observer and which one would play the warrior role on Earth. This is your soul contract.
You who are reading this now have been a warrior for the Light. You have come through the densest forms of Creation to raise it all back to Eden. Your Twin Flame has been watching your process as you’ve been living your Earth life. As the observer, they are wise to the many difficulties you have overcome.
As you embarked on the journey of ascension, you incarnated with the veil in place as your flame maintained the awareness that they would be rejoining you in this lifetime, in the physical realm.
Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair. John 12:3
The Love that exists between you and your flame is a very high frequency. Sexuality is the natural expression of that Love. And it is the energy, called kundalini, that can be awakened during that expression.
If the kundalini energy succeeds in rising up to perfect your higher centers of energy, it will produce various degrees of spiritual awareness. The result is an enLightening expansion of consciousness that affects every element of your being, from your biological functions to your personal relationships, to your concept of reality, to your influence in the world. Kundalini is a gift. It’s your life force.
Then the Eyes of both of them were opened. And they realized they were Naked. Genesis 3:7
There are nuclear dynamics that are involved in the sexual act, which erase the conflicts that exist within the physical body. The resulting atomic fusion then releases the secrets that are locked within each and every atom. This fusion changes the frequency vibration of the mental body, which allows for direct communion with God through the ‘third eye‘ perception.[i]
There are rites of passage through which a person can go in order to ignite this gift. But the key to awakening it during the sexual act is intent.  Sexuality is a priceless gift in the attainment of Christ Consciousness. It’s the tantric approach.
And the two will become One Flesh. So they are no longer two, but One. Mark 10:8
Parts of our physical bodies are starting to evolve and attach to the higher levels of the new vibration of the Earth.  It is the pineal gland that is changing the most.  The pineal gland is becoming Crystalline in nature.  This allows us to have connections that we never thought were possible.
The pineal gland has also been responsible for the circadian rhythms that determine our sleep patterns.  But circadian rhythms are much more than just sleep patterns.  They also include our sex drive.
The Law of Gender states that gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes. So it will be the merging of the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine within every one of us that will set Humanity free and create Heaven on Earth.

Transfiguration, the Transfer

Transfiguration, the Transfer

Please repost with this link at the top: Reposted from The Awakening Website
Light BodyBecause Jesus was able to control the laws that govern this material plane, he was a threat to the Jewish ruling order of his time. So it was planned at the soul level that they would conspire to have him killed three years into his ministry in Israel.
“Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. The Counselor, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things.”
John 16:7 and 14:26

The story of Jesus’ adult life in Israel is fairly common knowledge. But, what isn’t commonly understood is that, by expanding his awareness and walking the path, he was able to raise his vibrational rate of frequency.
Jesus was able to balance the basic chemical elements of his physical body and transform his DNA into a thirty-three double-strand DNA matrix. This completely transfigured his body into an immortal Body of Light – the vehicle that is required for ascension to the higher dimensions of consciousness.
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes and a Cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the Sky as he was going. Acts 1:8-10
Everything is aligned in one field of energy.  So, simply by living his life, and then ascending, Jesus placed, into the global akashic field, the knowledge that is required for us to raise our vibrational frequency to that of God’s holy Light. All of the secrets he knew and learned as a mortal man who attained both physical and spiritual evolution are encoded – in our DNA.
The highest vibrational frequency in the visible spectrum of light is the color violet. It is the point of transition to the invisible spectrum of God’s Light. God’s Light carries the same vibration as the frequency of Love, the amount of which can be seen in our aura.
“He will bring glory to me by Taking from what is Mine and making it Known to You. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a Part of it.” John 16:14 and
1 Corinthians 12:27
After he had ascended, Jesus materialized to talk to his disciples. He opened a portal to the starship, New Jerusalem, and they accompanied him onto the bridge of that mother ship. There, they remembered their Divinity and, in this sudden return to full consciousness, each of them agreed to continue Jesus’ ministry.[i] Then he appeared before seven great sages and said to them, “What I have done all men can do, and what I am all men shall be.”
On the triple date of 11-11-11 an energy will be released. That energy is a resurrection initiation, which is unprecedented in the history of our planet. That energy will encourage our soul into direct contact with our physical body.[ii] In the science of Numerology, that date represents 11 and 11 and 11, which is 33.  This was the age of Jesus when he resurrected his own.
At that time, men will see the Son of Man coming in Clouds.
Mark 13:26

The Path and the Law of Causation

The Path & the Law of Causation

Please repost with this link at the top: Reposted from The Awakening Website
Law of Cause and EffectThe Law of Causation states that every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.
This is also the concept of living and dying ‘by the sword,’ the aspect of reincarnation called karma.
He that leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he that kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Revelation 13:10
Karma has forced us to take turns playing the roles of ‘good guy’ and ‘bad guy’. And, while playing the roles of the good guy, we have also assumed roles as victims. It has been the ultimate irony. Instead of living in paradise, we have been experiencing Time, Space and Relativity.
But, as we move into this new Aquarian age, there is much joy just ahead for humanity. This joy will come when we attain Christ consciousness. And, although there are many methods of increasing our Light, the best way to actually walk the illuminated path of the yogi is through the understanding of Love, Wisdom and Power.
If we want to go where only Love can exist, we must become Love. So, one of the initiations that must be performed in order to attain the consciousness of the Christ requires the balancing of the emotional ‘body’. This is the level at which we learn to master our thoughts, feelings and emotions.
The man who does not enter the sheep pen by the Gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. John 10:1
Every 26,000 years, energies flow in to our planet from the Galactic Center by way of Sirius, a star that is twenty times brighter than the Sun. The purpose is to stabilize the Earth prior to its receiving the energies from the Central Sun at the end of that particular cycle of Time.
The opening of the Sirian vortex is creating an accelerated merging of these four bodies. It is delivering to these bodies an intense energy of cleansing, purifying, readying and preparing. So this is a time of personal metamorphosis.
As this cycle intensifies, there will be an outpouring of emotions all over the planet. And we’ve been trained to resist emotions. But everything we experience in our lives is simply energy. An emotion is energy in motion. It simply needs to move.
When an inner situation is not made Conscious, it appears outside as Fate. Dr. Carl Jung
We transcend karma through God’s grace. So, at this level, unwanted thought waves are not merely pushed away, but rather, our mind is transformed and our perspectives are shifted.
This is one of the biggest shifts people will experience during humanity’s current evolution. We must come to understand that the events that cause our emotional issues are deliberately orchestrated by our Spirit.
This is done both for our own growth and for the growth of humanity. It’s part of the Divine plan. And, from a higher level, each of us designed the part of the plan that we find ourselves in.
Every aspect of your life is planned. They are all connected with your soul contract, which is stored within your DNA. The only part that isn’t planned is how you will react to them.
The people who cause your unwanted emotional issues are not really responsible for their actions at all. It is their loving and compassionate Spirit who, from the soul level, agrees for them to play the ‘bad guy’ in each of the karmic dramas in your life. And your Spirit also agrees for you to play the ‘bad guy’ from time to time, so they too can grow emotionally and spiritually. Both of these Spirits, yours and theirs, love you more than you can know.
Outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our Light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. II Corinthians 4:16-17
The minute we release the grudges we hold toward these people for playing their part in our dramas, our sub-conscious mind can inform our Spirit that these grudges no longer have a hold on us. That’s when our Spirit opens for us a direct line of communication with God.
Whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the Veil is taken away.
II Corinthians 3:16
The true nature of each and every one of us is pure, flawless and holy. Everything else is just the Earth Game.