
Wisdom From Ascended Masters-More on RELASHIONSHIPS Channled by Michelle Coutant

Wisdom From The Ascended Masters, September 5, 2010

“More On Relationships” Via The Akashic Records

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

How can you assist us to see conflicted relationships as supportive relationships?

Blessed Ones, your relationships offer many pearls of wisdom and many spiritual tests and lessons to both you and the ones with whom you are in relationship with. For you to have a supportive relationship with another, you must approach each relationship in this way. Every relationship is a supportive relationship. Every relationship will assist you to grow in your understanding, your wisdom and your personal power, if you will allow it. Each relationship is a mirror of the lessons and the spiritual growth you are in the process of integrating. For the other person, it is so also, as you will each mirror to the other, the lessons and tests which harmonize within the relationship to enhance your learning experience. Each relationship may become supportive for each person when you will understand this, and you will approach each interaction in the allowing and acceptance of your lessons and tests.

You must have the understanding that you are also assisting the other in gaining wisdom and spiritual growth. Allowing this relationship to present these lessons and tests will bring you clarity within the relationship, and harmony where there may have been none. You have the responsibility to be supportive to the other person, as many are in victim consciousness. When you are aware of this, as you hold a higher vibration, you must stand in your integrity and you must intentionally hold the higher vibrations. It is your responsibility as a Master to be in truth, and assist the other, when you are aware they are in victim consciousness. Sometimes, it is as simple as giving no response, as a response which “pushes their buttons”, is a response which continues their belief in their status as a victim. Hold the vibration of love and you will assist them as greatly as you are able to, and you will have responded in the way of a Master. You will have enhanced your spiritual growth also.

How can you assist us to remain in love and neutrality, rather than judgment?

Dear Ones, when you are in judgment, you are not right with Self. You are projecting onto another that which you are out of balance with, within Self. Practice through deep breathing, and repeating the word, “neutrality”. This practice will assist you into peace and harmony, all being of much the same vibration. Neutrality is a great gift to assist you as you interact with another. Holding the intention to remain in neutrality will allow you to set aside your own beliefs. You are more able to remain in the love of your Sacred Heart when you are able to hold the vibration of neutrality. This, Dear Ones, is a great tool to assist you in your relationships.

Beloved Masters and Teachers, what other wisdom would you like to offer at this time, to assist us in our relationships?

Dear Ones, see the potential within another. See this blessed potential within each soul you are in relationship with. See the potential for each person to be the Master Soul they came here to learn how to be. See them as already having achieved this, as you see yourself already having achieved this. You are each a Master Soul, realizing this potential within you now. Each soul is an incarnation of God. Approach your interactions with others in the way. See the God Self in all others. See the God Self in yourself. It can be most difficult to see this in others that you have the closest relationships with, as these relationships are so “charged” with your beliefs about yourself and your beliefs and preconceived thoughts about how the other will respond and act. Release these preconceptions, and open to the new potential of allowing the other to respond from their God Self. Hold the vibration of Love and you will assist them to respond in this way and you will assist yourself to respond from your highest potential.

Your relationships provide you with the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth. You may achieve and integrate a renewed understanding, wisdom, and belief in your own potential to expand into the Master consciousness, when you allow the vibration of this potential to permeate into your relationships. Set aside preconceived beliefs and expectations and see yourself and all others, as God assisting God, to know God.

And finally, love each other, Dear Ones. It is what you came here to do. You came here to love. Within this love you will, within your intentions of releasing negative, low vibrations, achieve the mastery that you came here to realize. Embrace yourselves and all others, the earth, and all life forms in the vibrations of love. It is your potential. It is the potential of all life forms. Every life form on earth responds to the vibrations of love. Be this vibration, Dear Ones, you will transform yourselves, the earth, and all life.

We are the Ascended Masters. Our love surrounds you and we are here to assist you to be Love. Call on us. We will assist you to raise your vibrations to the vibrations of Love.

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All my Love and Many Blessings,


Wisdom From Ascended Masters-RELATIONSHIPSChanneled by Michelle Coutant

Wisdom From The Ascended Masters, August 23, 2010

“Relationships” Via The Akashic Records

Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

Please explain the concept of seeing others as our Master Teachers.

Dear Ones, you will assist yourselves greatly in your quest to bring harmony and balance into your relationships, when you see each interaction with another as an opportunity to learn. You may be greatly assisted if you will stand back and see each one in your life as a Master Teacher. It matters not if it is a close love relationship, if it is a family relationship, if it is a passing relationship with someone you meet in your daily life. It could be in relationship to someone that your work with. Each relationship is an opportunity to learn spiritual lessons. Each opportunity will present you with growth and wisdom if you are willing to see your relationships from this aspect.

Your relationships are your greatest opportunity for growth, as you will be tested each day, and you will have lessons presented to you each day. The people, places, and situations you draw to you are the exact people, experiences, and situations needed for you to learn lessons and gain wisdom. You may simply use the term Master Teacher as you see each person you interact with, throughout the day. This will be a very simple trigger and a reminder that this person has something to say to you, something to teach you, even if it is a very short encounter. There is always something to be learned in every situation. The interaction with another does not have to be one of stress, or charged emotions, to be a situation for learning and wisdom gained. A simple conversation, may present much wisdom to you, if you are aware that the person you are speaking with has been drawn to you for a reason and has something of great value and wisdom to impart to you.

How can we assist ourselves to be open to this concept each day?

First and foremost, listen, Dear Ones. Set aside the need to be right. You ego greatly comes into play when one must continually speak in defense, pressing their own thoughts, beliefs and concepts upon another. Listen and hear, truly hear what the other person has to say. Allow them to speak all that they choose to speak and remain silent after they are finished speaking. There will be a reduction of the charged energy of the situation, if it is one of stress, as the other person will know that they have been heard. This, Dear Ones, allows you also, the time to choose your thoughts and words carefully, and stay centered in love. When you remain in the state of love and listen, all can be resolved in love. Deep breathing will assist you to stay centered in your heart, as you quietly listen. Holding the thought form of this person as your Master Teacher, will assist you as you listen, and truly hear what it is that the other person has to teach you. You will find yourselves able to express yourselves more clearly, when it is your turn to speak, when you have truly listened to the other person as your Master Teacher, as you stay centered in love.

Please explain the concept of raising the vibrations when we are interacting with others, to resolve situations which are out of balance and harmony.

Dear Ones, if you know you are about to engage in an emotionally charged encounter, take the time to meditate for a few minutes with the intention of raising your own vibrations to the highest possible vibrations you are capable of holding with ease and grace. As you become adept in the process, you will be able to do it in only a few moments. High vibrations will assist low vibrations to rise. The low vibrations will seek equilibrium with the higher vibrations. Intend to fill the room with the vibrations of love, intend for the situation to be resolved for the highest outcome for all concerned. Intend for love, joy, harmony and balance and peace, to prevail. Breathe deeply and call upon us to assist you to maintain the vibrations in the vibrations of love. We will assist, you, but you must ask. Call upon the Ascended Masters, and the angels and all beings of the Divine Law of One, which resonate with you. We will assist you. It is Cosmic Law that you must ask, before assistance may be given.

Dear Ones, you will find that miracles occur and situations that you thought had no resolution in the higher light, can be resolved in good will, with the highest outcome for all concerned. It is the power of love and wisdom and the will to hold these vibrations, which has assisted you and all involved to bring balance and harmony into the situation.

What wisdom can you share with us, to help us to maintain balanced and harmonious relationships?

Beloved Ones, set your egos aside. In relationships based on Christ consciousness, there is no room for the ego. There is no room for the lower vibrations, fear, and the emotions of the ego. You must set your intentions for every moment to be one of the God Self, to be a moment in your Christ consciousness. You must set your intention to think, speak, feel, and act only in the God consciousness of your Divine Self. Hold foremost in your mind that each soul is on their own journey, each soul is on a different path, a different journey than you are, and you must hold compassion and unconditional love for all souls. Do not compare yourself to another, as you will find yourselves lacking. There will always be souls who are farther along on their spiritual journey than you are, and do not compare yourselves to those that are seemingly not on their spiritual path. Every soul is on their path at all times. It is their choices made through free will, their thoughts, their actions, their feelings, which determine where they are on their path. Superiority and inferiority are emotions of the ego. It does not serve the highest good of any and all when comparisons of the ego are made with another.

Beloved Ones, you must set your boundaries, and hold your personal power in love and compassion as you hold the intention for the highest outcome at all times, in unconditional love. Maintain your strength and courage with the intention to stay centered in peace and harmony. You will find that you will indeed maintain peace, harmony, love, and joy even when others around you become unbalanced. Your inner strength and love will assist them to return to balance and harmony.

Dear Ones, you are meant to walk as Masters. The Master remains calm and heart centered in love and will, wisdom and compassion, even as the Master claims their personal power, with kindness toward all. It can be done, Dear Ones, and it is a path of great rewards. As you climb the spiritual mountain, you will find that great strength, courage, trust, and faith will assist you greatly. You will find that you are never alone and you will be assisted as much as we are able to assist you, as you show your dedication and your diligence and your perseverance to lift yourselves up to the higher realms, to your home among the stars. Go the distance, Blessed Ones, go the distance. You have only forgotten the joy, the love, the beauty, the harmony, the exquisiteness of the higher realms. Each step of the way brings you new remembrance and new beginnings.

Call upon us, Dear Ones, Call upon us in love, in joy, in challenges. Call upon us.

We are the Ascended Masters, here to assist you on your journey home to the higher realms.

You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to the Ascended Masters through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:

Visit Michelle’s website at:


All my Love and Many Blessings,


Lord Kuthumi-Agrippa 4:4 Emerald Ray Celebration Channelled by Michelle Eloff

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 25 March 2010 for the activation taking place on 4 April 2010

I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of transformation, transmutation, ascension and delightful blessings. Greetings beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and within the hands of God.

Beloved Lightworkers the time is rapidly coming to the point where all energies must unite in one dynamic force of love, drawing this source from the centre of the light of Father/Mother God.

Each and every one of you hold within you a sacred signature of divinity and truth. It is these signatures, which must now merge to create the collective signature, which will break down the Illuminati Matrix, enabling us to fully anchor the new Emerald Ray of Love and Truth.

Each and every step that you take upon your pathway of healing and becoming more profoundly aware of yourself allows for these dynamic new energies to root themselves firmly within the matrix of the Collective Consciousness, however, because so many of the human race are still trapped within the Illuminati Matrix it is vital that each of you rise dynamically into the realms of greater awareness, and a more expanded knowledge of the potential which lies inside of you.

Now the Illuminati Matrix consists of all those energies and programmes which were created deliberately by those in power who chose not to release the truth, for they feared it would disempower them, leaving them standing without that which they so deeply desire.

The truth about power is that it is not something that you possess, it is something which is naturally inside of you which you express, and the dynamics of that empowered soul touches the hearts of others allowing for the same empowerment process to unfold for them. To possess power is to own another’s light which is not in accordance with the higher realms of empowerment.

It is vital that you understand that these who we call the Illuminati are those who are motivated by the seven vices of your world. These vices disempower the collective, and disempowers the individual motivated by these qualities. Although they do not immediately see it, the time has come now where the dawning of this new world of light will expose these darker aspects of themselves and they will fall.

It is vital that this fall occur so that each and every soul can take back their rightful position. Although this will happen, the fall that is, there are still many who will not take advantage of the opportunity to embrace their power, therefore, the responsibility lies upon you, the awakened ones, to empower yourselves more than ever before in order to hold the full capacities of light available to you, in order to carry the ancient signatures of truth into your future so that the Promised Land can come into manifestation.

The Promised Land is the world in which you will find yourself where others of like heart, like mind and like spirit join together in a collective community of love rebuilding the paradigms of truth and creating the pathways where others will find their way to their truth. Do not despair for those who will not take advantage of this opportunity for it is a part of their divine plan, it is part of their journey to understand what living in the dark world means. The dark world is the world where the seven vices rule, where there is the absence of love, the absence of understanding, in other words the world of ignorance.

You have moved beyond these dimensions of control, although there are still parts of you governed by these Illuminati imprints you now have the opportunity to rise way above it, and from your higher perspective able to observe how these dynamics play out in the lower worlds. This means your lower ego will undergo a massive transformation so that you may transcend that world and discover the higher aspects of your most dynamic self.

You still have a blueprint, an imprint governed by the Spirits of the seven planets which channel through you. This blueprint is what determines your fate and your karma in each and every incarnation you incarnate into, however, what makes this timeline different is that you have the opportunity to rise above the constant turning of that wheel of fate. Now you move from fate into destiny, and although there are still challenges to be faced, simply because each level presents you with greater opportunities to grow and better understand yourself, you will find that with these challenges you have the greater reserves of courage, inner strength, wisdom, knowledge and love to move through them, to conquer them and solve them with greater ease, and at a far more rapid rate than when you were rooted in the old world, in other words in the Illuminati Matrix.

There is immense change facing your planet at this time. There are countries in your world which will undergo very important changes, some of these changes will be violent ones, however, those who are protected by the realms of light will be guided to safety zones, therefore, do not concern yourself. However, it is vital that you are aware and vigilant during these times for this deconstruction, the dismantling of the Illuminati Matrix must take place in order for the Phoenix to rise from the ashes of the old world and to take the fire power of Spirit into its new level of realisation within the hearts of those who are now awoken.

Those who are still to awaken to the dynamics of their greater power will seek you out, however, as the fall takes place these changes will bring about the dawning of a new timeline, a new way in which to empower the soul, freeing it from the majority rule of the lower ego so that the higher ego has the majority rule.

The Emerald Ray, which we bring forward now holds the true essence of integrity, fidelity, love and wisdom. Encased within this Emerald Ray is a magnificent solid gold cube of light. In the centre of this cube is a star-tetrahedron made of platinum. The energies emitted from this Platinum Star-tetrahedron activate the Golden Cube emitting powerful vibrations through the Emerald Ray, creating the new Illuminated Matrix of the new world, the new order of light and true love, wisdom and inner courage.

Each of you will have this Emerald Ray, Golden Cube and star-tetrahedron activated within your heart chakra. This will be over the next twelve months and as each month passes you will integrate a deeper level of this very powerful force of the new source of light, love and wisdom which you have sought for the duration of the lifetime. Everything you have experienced up until this point has prepared you for this dynamic reawakening and reconstruction of a new life form, a form in which the vehicles of your greater self can safely be constructed, nurtured and strengthened.

These vibrations emitted through your energy field will reveal to the higher dimensions you have come, you have awoken, you have chosen to elevate yourself beyond the constraints of the old world in order to preserve the ancient wisdom of the true orders of light, love and wisdom.

The Emerald Mystery School is one such vehicle through which these great teachings will be delivered. The Golden Temple Teachings are the Golden Cube we speak of, and the Platinum Star-tetrahedron is the energy held within this channel and her masculine counterpart which we will energise through these two physical humans, emitting the light to touch those who travel physically to the sacred sites and merge their energies as groups at these places, therefore, each of you who travel in the physical to the sacred sites with these two people you become extensions of the Platinum Star-tetrahedron, you are then initiated into the inner realm of the High Priestess and Priest absorbing an aspect of this Platinum Star-tetrahedron and becoming a facilitator of these energies, and a representative of the inner core of the Golden Temple through which these great teachings will flow.

Each of you will then be assigned a specific Master and Solar Archangel who will carry you through the initiations the High Priest and Priestesses bring forth from the inner core of the central realm of the core Galactic Centre of All That Is. You will awaken to the inner qualities inside of yourself, which will lead you in the direction of your destiny so that you as a representative of this core platinum ray can teach what you have been designed to deliver in order to empower humanity even further. These energies will extend their rays to every corner of the Earth, each of you strategically placed at different geographic locations in order to hold these lights.

The Fifty-five Flames of St Germain, which have been recently harvested are bringing forth fine threads of amethyst and sapphire energy which you too will integrate over time. These threads will create a sacred weave between your chakras and unite a magnificent tapestry of a new design, which becomes the Illuminated Matrix. The Platinum Star-tetrahedron activates the destruction of the Illuminati Matrix, but know that as you stand together in this powerful force of energy, you hold the grids which keep those who are already safe within the safety zones of the higher qualities of the new world. This is not to say that we are excluding any soul from this pattern, all we are saying is that those of you who have already stepped into this higher quality, your position has already been made ready for you. This opportunity is available to every single soul on the planet, whether they choose to take advantage of it or not is entirely their individual choice.

Your energies will continue to increase at a highly rapid rate, therefore, it is vital that you follow your instinct and your intuition and allow the love of your true self to shine through. This is a time of breaking down the Illuminati Matrix within yourself too, meaning that those parts of you that are bound by false belief systems to that which was constructed which has bound you too the incessant dramas of the old world, will now begin to fall away. Each and every energy which is disconnected from the Illuminati Matrix is then cleansed through the platinum vibrations and reconnected to the Illumination Matrix where you will take on a new role, a new part of your destiny as the leaders of the light in the new world of light. You will create this grid, which will emit some of the most powerful rays ever to be recorded in the Earth’s spiritual history, far greater than Atlantis was every able to emit.

The fall of Atlantis is encoded within the Earth grids, that is when the Illuminati Matrix was first set in place, therefore, we are returning to the fall of Atlantis, and that fall will repeat itself in some ways, not to the entirety of its complete destruction for there are sufficient Lightworkers awoken to the new world to be able to stand firmly in their light, in their power and hold these powerful vibrations.

I, Lord Kuthumi-Agrippa, stand amongst all of you as the King of Solar Archangels. My army of Solar Archangels will weave amongst you bringing forth the high vibrations of the golden light, the golden thread of golden love and wisdom so that the higher order of the platinum ray of knowledge can come to you.

Each of you are being asked, once I have finished this transmission that within twenty-four hours of hearing my words that you take time to go into a place of nature, where you are to sit in the stillness of nature and you are to align yourself with me, invoke my presence and that of the Solar Archangels. Call to St Germain and to the Higher League of the Emerald Ray.

You are to connect with nature and to open your heart to integrate this Emerald Ray, calling it into your heart chakra, allowing it to flow through every fibre of your being, bringing forth the magnificence of your true self so that you may align more consciously with the Pathway of the Authentic Ones.

This pathway will open the way for you to follow in the footsteps of the true Masters of the past, the present and the future. This is when in nature we will activate the new Emerald Ray, the Golden Cube and the Platinum Star-tetrahedron. From that day forward, every month to that day you will integrate a new level.

Every time there is a group travelling physically to a different geographic location, that Platinum Star-tetrahedron will be anchored, rooted, within the geographic location chosen and becomes the activating energy within that sacred site over which the Golden Cube will be activated, and around that the new Emerald Ray. This will then anchor the qualities of integrity, fidelity and the true love we speak of.

It is these energies which must run through the veins of Mother Earth’s body to re-energise her, to resuscitate the broken, debilitated, debased parts of her body which have been abused by the consciousness of the Illuminati Matrix, therefore, as her body cleanses you will see parts of the Earth shake, you will see many aspects fall economically, and in the countries that must now awaken to the light side, however, the dark side will be exposed first in order for the light to replace that which has been broken down.

I repeat, do not fear this process to come, you will all be safe, you will be protected. It is only those who do not choose to listen, who do not choose to follow and whose path it is to be a part of the fall who will fall, however, what you shall witness is simply the physical vehicle undergoing the fall, the soul will be removed before any harm can be impacted or trauma impacted upon the essence of their soul. This may sound dire, doomy and gloomy, however the reality is, precious ones, that you have been warned of this time to come, this is the beginning of the great end, for through this great ending the magnificent new beginning comes, but what comes from it is one of the most magnificent rebirths of the Earth’s spiritual history.

You are the threads of the new Illumination Matrix, you are the filaments of light, the sparks of energy which come off the Emerald Flame, and as you unite, collaborate and merge with those of like mind, heart and spirit and you strengthen in numbers you will see the forces of love working through you override any darkness which tries to reclaim its original place in the world. The fall has started and here we are with all of you giving you our solemn promise that all will be well, that this time has come because it is time.

Not all places on Mother Earth’s body will undergo these deep shifts, there are many places which will be safe. This is also part of the rearrangement of the grids of Mother Earth as a planet, therefore, if you are asked or inspired to move to a completely different geographic location it is because you are reweaving the sacred grids, you are realigning the tapestries which create the new platinum grid of the new world of light, therefore, we celebrate this magnificent time with all of you, we thank each of you for coming together at this point and hearing our words, and on the day of the 4th of April of every year to come over the next ten years there will be a great celebration of the strengthening of the Illumination Matrix, and the fourth day of every month for the next two years will strengthen the energies within Mother Earth’s body. Every sacred site visited by those holding these energies will amplify the light and intentions of those who gather in their numbers to bring about the great rise after the fall.

Many areas have fallen ready, many of the dark Illuminati Matrix’s strongholds have crumbled, you have seen how this plays out, therefore, this is why we urge you not to fear what is to come but to know that you have witnessed some of this, that you will become more aware of how the darkness that has moved underground so to speak now is exposed and is coming to the surface, because it has risen into the light, and this is how the powerful rays of love will love the Illuminati Matrix to death so to speak.

So through the essence of the almighty power of Father/Mother God we extend this powerful light to each of you, blessing you with these rays, enhancing your inner courage, your inner strength and drive to truly know yourself, to expand your awareness of self, your love of self and your acceptance of self on a whole new level so that these energies can re-ignite, be resuscitated, be revitalised in order to reconstruct the divine order of a new world motivated by the higher ego, the higher qualities of the spirits of everything in existence, no longer governed by the ignorant worlds of darkness.

Know that the challenges that you will face will be from those stuck in the Illuminati Matrix who will consider your new way of being very threatening, for when you come into your power it challenges every dark aspect within those who have not yet achieved the level of self acceptance, self love and self awareness that you have achieved.

Do not be destabilised by these challenges, do not doubt yourself, do not move away from your courage and your light because these ones challenge your power. Stand strong within this power because it is through leading by example, by strengthening that light that you overcome those challenges and you become the force of love to be reckoned with, the darkness swallowed up by it and you elevate your energies to higher levels, rising beyond those debilitating energies which have kept you destabilised, disempowered, distracted and fragmented in the past.

The accumulation of those fragmented parts of yourself will reconnect at an accelerated rate, therefore, know that you will see yourself changing rapidly and within weeks for some of you, you will be a aghast at how much you are changing, how dramatically your life is changing and it may feel at times as if you have stepped from one lifetime into another one within a very short space of time.

It is vital that you honour your bodies needs, that you do what is necessary now to keep your body strong, to cleanse it, to feed it with healthy foods, to give it enough hydration in the form of unpolluted water. Pray, meditate. Use the powers of nature through sacred ceremonies, rituals and magic to transform those debilitated parts of yourself. Trust in the Spirits of nature, the essence of Father/Mother God and the unconditionally powerful love that comes to you from Source to guide you. Do not rely on reason and logic alone, there are going to be many times where your intuition will give you information which defies logic and reason, listen to this, however you will create a balance between heart, and mind and this is where you will find your greatest power of discernment, this is where you will discover how your purpose, your power and the almighty essence of your fully connected self serves you and how you will recognise how deeply everything is connected, and how all of life is one.

When you sit within the silence of nature, the stillness of the beauty of that which is around you, be it in your garden or on your patio, or in any place in which you feel safe, loved, secure and at peace we will be present with you to help you bring those energies into your body and reconnect with the true understanding of what being connected to all of life means, and how all is one and one is all.

So, precious ones, I have given you much information to ponder and to masticate upon. We ask you to listen to our words repeatedly, to read them if you prefer and to truly digest what we have said. Every time you listen to our words or read them, you will integrate a deeper level of this message. Share this message with others, spread the light, collaborate, unite and become the powerful wave of sacred love and wisdom showing those who are still trapped in the dark that there is a pathway to freedom, however, it is not your duty to force them, it is only your duty to open a door, to present a way, and then you are to lead by example allowing them the opportunity to choose, and that is how a true Master walks the way as an Authentic One on the pathway to freedom.

May each and every one of you be blessed with the higher realms of true divine understanding of the oneness of all that is, and may the infinite eternal source of light and love, wisdom and truth be one with you for all time.

Know that we are with you every step of this way. Know that we are with you in all ways, always, and that not ever do you walk alone. Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you, the many invisible hearts that love you. You are safe, be at peace and celebrate with us.

I am Kuthumi-Agrippa, King of the Solar Archangels and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.

Copyright 2002, Michelle Eloff. The Lightweaver URL & website is owned and operated by Aquarius Holdings Ltd.

This material is freely available and may be freely distributed, but The Lightweaver always remains the legal copyright holder of ALL material on this website and as such, certain copyright conditions are applicable.

True Love Heavenletter #3576 Published on: September 9, 2010

God said:

Oh, for love in the world to be freed from its shackles. To be unlatched. Oh, for love to be a bird that is let out of its cage. Oh, for the window on real love to be opened and left open where it can go out and come in as love likes to do.

Love on Earth has been repressed. You know it has. And sense of need has sometimes replaced love. There would be no unhappiness if the bird of love were let free. As it is, love has been regulated, even imprisoned, as if love had to be cautious and plan its extension carefully. Love would much rather be free to rise wherever it may land. Love wants to be free to love. That’s all love wants, to be a butterfly free to go to all buttercups, drink their sweet nectar, fulfill them, love loving to give itself.

Love is not a mandate. Love needs no mandate. It just needs to be left to be free to alight anywhere or everywhere. A long leash is not good enough for love. A long leash does not allow love to reach everywhere. Love that can go only so far is not free to be the love it is. Love is love, not an arbiter. Love does not haggle. Love knows itself, and that’s all it knows.

Love is not about jurisprudence. There is no court of law when it comes to love. We are talking of true love itself, love not limited to specifications and not physical attraction but love, true love. True love is unbidden. Love cannot be corralled and made to love here and not there. Love cries out from the wilderness of its restraint. It cries out:

“Once and for all, let me be free to do as I will, for I will to be set free from any bounds. I will to be unbounded. I am so tired of restraints. Let me out of this straightjacket that tells me when and where I may love. I just want to love and have no artificial barriers to my love. I can love all. I can love you, and I can love others. I simply know how to love and not find reasons not to love. As for my love itself, it needs no reason. Love does not follow reasons. If love did have rules, love would not abide by your reasoning. Love has a life of its own. Do not take love asunder.

“I am love, and I want to be me. I am not an unruly child. It’s just that the world has made unholy rules for me. Allow me to be what I am. Allow me to be all I am. Allow me to fly high. Allow me to venture forth. Allow me to be love. Allow me to be instant. No longer give me static. No longer decide where I should alight or when.

“I am love. I am not your pet that you decide when to let out or when to let in. I am love. I am my own blend. Let me be what I am without any objections from you.

“There are no limits to me. I love. That is the whole story of me.

“Do not confuse me. Do not cut off my limbs. Do not squeeze me through a slot. Open all doors for me. Open all windows. I want to be me and not someone’s picture of me. I want to be plain love, for that is what I am. I do not want to be sheltered. I want to be set free. I want to be as I am. I want to be me.”

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts
Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter

The New Earth Energies-Channeled by Celia Fenn

The New Earth Energies for August and September 2010
a message from Archangel Michael

channeled by Celia Fenn

Tuesday, 7 September, 2010

Beloved Family of Light, as you moved through the Energies of the New Year in July and the Lion's Gate in August, you experienced an acceleration of your Light Body as you prepared for a New Cycle of Evolution, Change and Growth, in preparation for the major stargate transits of 2010, 2011 and 2012. This created intense pressure for Inner Shifts and Changes, which were in turn reflected by sudden and abrupt shifts and changes in the Outer Reality that were experienced as Earth Changes and personal Life Changes.
Many of you may have experienced the termination of relationships or felt the need to move to another area or change to a new form of work. These shifts may have been made under high pressure and very quickly, or you may be feeling within you the need to make such changes in the next two months as you advance towards the 10/10/10, the first of the major stargates.

Beloved Ones, these deep changes are a reflection of fundamental shifts in your Reality as you become acclimated to living in the Fifth Dimension, and experiencing yourself as a Multi-Dimensional Being of Light in a Material or Physical Body. New choices are being made by your Higher Consciousness in the Higher Dimensions of Light and these choices are opening new avenues of Service, Experience and Evolutionary Growth, and so you are being moved to the Inner and Outer Spaces where you will be best situated to carry out these new tasks.

How you respond to these changes is important, for it will determine the nature of your experiences in the coming Cycle of Time and Space. If you do not follow the urgings of the Higher Voice, or if you resist the need for change, then life may become chaotic and difficult. This is not a punishment, Beloved Ones, but just the tension that is set up when the Higher Consciousness and the Lower are out of alignment. This creates ripples of energetic "distortion" that manifests as chaos and incidents that are not in alignment with what you seek to manifest. The best way to deal with such energies is to seek the quiet space within your heart and listen to the Inner Voice until you perceive what is needed and required of you and what actions, or lack of actions, are needed at the time.

You will always be guided back into alignment by your Higher Consciousness. You are the Multi-Dimensional Master of Light and we ask that you remember always that the answers to all your questions lie within you in that quiet place of Infinite Wisdom within your Heart that is the Treasure of your Soul and Spirit!

Beloved Family of Light, as you deal with these intense Inner Shifts, at the same time you are also seeing great changes in the Earth herself as she expresses her own shift into Multi-Dimensional Being. The Earth herself is part of the Great Shift and She is realigning herself for her new role as a Planetary "Star", a Home for Ascended Beings of Light in Physical Form. In order to do this, she must make Herself known to Humanity as a Being with needs in the Great Co-Existence within the Web of Life. She is now in the process of reconnecting with the Hearts of Humanity through the Collective Crystal Heart Grid. She shares her needs by demonstrating what is needed to guide Humanity back into alignment with the Higher Will and Purpose for the Planet and its Evolution.

The dramatic challenges of climate and apparent "natural" disasters are the Planet's way of communicating that Humanity must align itself with the needs of the Planet. The great floods in Pakistan are a result of the ways in which the Earth has been misused by poor agricultural methods and development. The land is no longer able to absorb and drain the Monsoon rains and flooding is a result, causing much suffering to human populations. In Russia, the devastating fires contributed to intense heat and smoke inhalation problems for millions of people. These fires were also a result of poor land management for much of the area that had been wetlands has been drained for agriculture and development, rendering it dry and liable to burn much more easily. The natural balance has been lost and everywhere humanity is in turmoil.

Beloved Ones, these "Earth Changes" are the Earth expressing her deep need for Humnity to Reconnect on a very deep level with the Sacred Principles of Life that define the Fifth Dimension - the Connection of All Froms of Life in a Sacred Web. If the Earth suffers, then Humanity will suffer. If Humanity evolves a more gentle, loving and connected relationship with the Earth, then Humanity will experience Connection and Support from the Earth and from Nature. Beloved Family of Light, that is your purpose and your work in this next Cycle of Time. The Spiritual Evolution that you experienced was to lift you to this Higher Consciousness where you could experience yourself as Human but also as part of the Collective Creation that is the Planet Herself.

Know too, that the challenge for you in this cycle of evolution is to lift yourselves out of the relationship of "fear" at these Earth Changes and into a relationship of Love and Gratitude for the opportunity that is given to realign and to thrive in a new connection and relationship with the Planet. Beloved Ones, do not fear disaster, for the Earth is not angry nor does she seek to punish you, she seeks only for connection and understanding. She is a sentient and loving Being and as you lovingly reconnect so you will feel her deep love an tenderness supporting you.

For, Beloved Ones, that Beautiful Energy that we call the "Shekinah", the essence of the Divine Feminine or Great Mother, lives within the Earth herself, as well as being transmitted from the Cosmic Center and the Heart of the Divine Cosmic Mother. The Shekinah energy rises from the Earth to embrace and support those who live open and connected to this beautiful and loving vibration. The Great Mother will hold you in her arms and nurture you as you allow her love to embrace you.

The best way, dearest Family of Light, to open to this connection is to spend quiet time in solitude with the focus of connecting with the Shekinah Light. The color of this Light is Platinum, the silvery white-gold color that carries the Evolutionary Light Codes for the New Earth Light Body. You can also participate in Earth Ceremonies, Rituals and Meditations that are designed to facilitate this connection to the Earth Mother and the Shekinah Light. Of course, this Light lives within Each one of You. It is Soft, Gentle, Loving and Supportive, and when activated within, it allows you to experience that sense of tenderness and support in the Outer Reality as well. The Shekinah Light within you will connect with the Shekinah Light within the Earth to create a new connection based on Love, Tenderness, Respect and Nurturing.

Beloved Family of Light, it requires only that those of you that are conscious and awake and aware of your Multi-Dimensional Being will lead the Human Collective Consciousness in this direction and create the necessary Inner Shifts. As you move into inner Tenderness and Love and find the Shekinah Light within, so you will move into a new relationship with the Earth that will allow you to flow effortlessly into Abundance, Joy and a State of Graceful Harmony and Connection with the Earth.

Higher and Deeper : A New State of Grace
Beloveds, we have mentioned to you before the need to be more "grounded" as you ascend into the Higher Dimensions of Consciousness. The "higher" you move, the more you need to ground yourself and anchor yourself in Fifth Dimensional Material Reality. This means to honor your Physical Body as a Temple of Light for your Soul and Spirit. It also means to honor your environment and your home as an expression of your Divine Essence and as Sacred Space. No matter where you find yourselves, that is Sacred Space. And know that as you connect more deeply with the Shekinah Light, you will indeed find yourselves moving into more beautiful and more nurturing physical environments as well. You will create them from within yourselves as an expression of the Shekinah energy of nurturing Love and Tenderness.

But, know too, Beloved Ones, that these new cycle energies will also be expressed within your relationships. You will feel the need to experience relationship on a much deeper, more intimate and soulful level, and this will be an indication of the Shekinah Light moving you into a place of Tenderness and Nurturing, where your desire will be to support your own soul growth as well as that of others. This will go together with a need to connect on a very deep soul level, a very grounded and intimate level that is expressed through physical caring and connection and the expression of deep love and gratitude.

Once relationships begin to include this level of expression, then you will indeed experience a beautiful new level of Support and Tenderness within your relationships. True Unconditional Love will blossom forth in this new energy of tender and loving support. You will begin to explore the very depths and heights of Divine Unconditional Love as it may be expressed through Human Consciousness and within a Human Body.

Meditation to Accept and Balance the Shekinah Light
Firstly, sit or lie in a comfortably and enter into a state of deep relaxation. Breathe deeply, and then focus your attention into your Heart Chakra and connect with the Light within your Heart, the Divine Flame of Love. Visualize a figure eight centered vertically in the Heart, Follow the energy circle down into the Earth connecting first with the Earth Star Chakra beneath your feet and then connecting with the Crystalline Heart of the Earth. Feel the Deep Love and Support, and then draw that energy back up through the Earth Star Chakra and into your Heart. Breathe Deeply. Then move the energy upwards through the Soul Star Chakra and up to the Heart of the Cosmos and the Heart of the Great Mother of All and feel the Love and Support. Now bring that energy back down into your Heart, connecting the two circles of the figure eight. Now you are connecting Heaven and Earth within your Heart and your Being.

Now, visualize the figure eight on the horizontal plane from your Heart. On the left side the circle of light is a beautiful Magenta color vibrating with the Feminine Christ Light, so bring that light into your Heart. On the right side the circle of light is a deep Turquoise color representing the Masculine Christ Light. Bring that light into your Heart. Where the two circles meet is the center of the figure eight, so let the Turquoise and Magenta blend together to become the Violet Flame, and breathe deeply!

So let the Violet Flame expand out through your body, through every cell, transmuting with the Violet Fire of Higher Consciousness and Love, and moving into the Light Body.

Now the Violet Flame becomes Pure Gold, allowing the Christ Consciousness to permeate every cell in your Body and to radiate through your Light Body. Now, open the Channel from the Soul Star Chakra and the Crown Chakra into the Heart and allow the Platinum Light of the Shekinah to enter into your Heart. Feel the Gentle but Loving high frequencies activating the Shekinah within. Now, open the channel from the Heart through through the Earth Star Chakra to the Crystal Heart of the Earth, and receive the tender Shekinah Light from the Earth. Let the Light rise up and activate the Shekinah energy within!

Now, the Platinum Flame is ignited within your Heart and the energy of the Shekinah flames forth with its beautiful White Gold Radiance. It fills your Light Body and your Physical Body with the Highest expression of Divine Love and Tenderness. You are held in the Divine Light of God and in the Loving Embrace of the Divine Mother.

You are the Divine Light in Human Form!

Hold the energy for as long as you wish, and then return your focus to your Heart. Breathe deeply three times and then focus your energy into your physical body. Open your eyes when you feel fully present and grounded in your Physical Body.

The Solar System Energies in September
In this month the New Moon falls on the 8th of September in Virgo. This is a strong Earth sign, and is a good time to ground yourself into the Physical energies of the New Earth.

The Full Moon in Libra, and the Equinox, falls on the 23rd of September. The Equinox energy always provides a time for the Earth to flow into the new season and bring in the new Elemental Earth energies. In the Northern Hemisphere, this will be the Fall Equinox and in the South it will be Spring. This is a good time for ceremonies to honor the incoming seasonal energies and to attune with the seasonal patterns of change on the Earth. So, Beloved Ones, we wish you All Joy and Love in your continuing adventure of life on Planet Earth!

© 2006-10 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global



I was sitting quietly in my healing room with my good friend Sherry. I have been assisting her raise her vibration with the help of my guides. We have shared so much together, and I have been watching her grow in her abilities. She is now able to take others on meditative journeys with the help of her own guides, which she channels. Sherry was here today to take me on a meditative journey.

We sat comfortably concentrating on our breathing, eyes closed and very relaxed. As I moved into a meditative state the image of a burial chamber slowly appeared. I recognized this, I had seen this same room before. It was in a meditation just a few weeks prior that I had found myself viewing these very walls. I had ventured deep within a pyramid, following my intuition and inner guidance. The room was dimly lit with the flicker of a burning torch. Stale air filled my nostrils and the cool air was giving me goose bumps. I held the torch front of me as I moved about the room trying to read the glyphs on the wall. As I surveyed my surroundings, I had noticed a tomb in the centre of the room. This too had the same writings covering all four sides. I was guided to open the tomb, sliding the huge stone which I thought to be far to heavy with ease. I found myself gazing at an amazing sarcophagus. The gold glistened in the flickering torchlight, and as I studied the face before me I felt I was being told to reach in and touch the shoulders. As I stretched forward to touch the sarcophagus there was a shrill ringing, the phone rang it startled me and the image disappeared instantly.

Now today I found myself back in a very similar room, dimly lit, this time the smell of incense floating around me. I sensed that I was back inside the pyramid, but this room felt much larger. The guide who had come through Sherry then asked me "do you know where you are?" I replied "I think it's the throne room in the pyramid, there is a huge chair very ornate with a straight back." Before me was a huge golden chair, the arms and supports of the chair were in fact carved cobras raised in the striking position. The back of the chair seemed to be images peacock feathers spread in display. The rest of the room was dark as I stood with my torch admiring what was before me. My guide then asked "What do you see when you look up?" I replied "A small pinprick of light, it is very dark even with my torch." My guide then asked "can you see who is with you?" I gazed around me and saw him "he is very, very tall towering above me, he is on my left." The tall being seemed to be crystalline as I could see through him. He had a beautiful blue glowing aura and filament like energy field behind him that could be mistaken for wings. I then told my guide "There is a priestess on my right, showing me to use the torch to light a reservoir to illuminate the room" The lovely Egyptian looking priestess handed me the torch and I extended my arm towards the liquid "oh my!"

Galactic Activation by visionary artist Deb Graves

Galactic Activation by visionary artist Deb Graves

The room was now brighter with dancing flames all around. My guide asked "what colour is the flame?" As I stood taking in what I could see I realized that the flame was blue, a beautiful clear, clean blue like the colour of the sky. It was still not bright enough to see clearly everything around me. My guide has sensed this and said "ask them to open the top to let more light in." I had turned to speak to the tall being beside me, but this was not necessary as he knew what I was about to say. A large capstone seemed to float off the top of what was now clearly a pyramid. The room was awash in the most amazing violet light, this was not what I had been expecting. I could feel the violet rays flooding over me. My guide then asked "where is the blue flame?" I looked around and the tall being now behind to the left me held the torch "I want you to ask him to pass it back to you now." I turned and as I did he held the flame towards me and I found myself engulfed in the blue flame. My guide then spoke "Perfect. I want you to tell me how it feels inside this flame with this violet light shining down on you." I replied "I am trembling my whole body is vibrating, it almost feels like I am underwater, the flame is not hot it is cool." I stood in wonder of this beautiful sight. Once again my guide spoke "I want you to reach out and touch everything and tell me what it feels like." To my surprise it was indeed water, not too hot and not too cold, perfect. She then told me to drink some of this water and feel it splashing inside of me. I felt so alive it was as if my whole body was igniting. She then said "Can you sense it pouring out of you in all directions?" The water flowed around and through me, I felt like I was underwater yet I could still breath freely. She continued "keep drinking, letting pour out of you. Now what is the violet light doing is it surrounding you?" The violet light was now getting brighter, I closed my eyes and asked the light what it was doing and why it was there. I sensed that it was protecting something. It was protecting the purity of the water. I reached out and touched the violet light, it felt warm and inviting. At this time tears started to well up in my eyes I felt so peaceful and protected.

As I sat with the tears flowing freely my guide then brought my attention to what was below me. She said "I want you to notice another colour coming up from below, what colour is it?" I looked beneath me and there was a wondrous magenta glow rising up and around the violet light. It felt so warm and such a glorious colour, once again she asked me to reach out and touch the new light. As my fingers touched the encasing magenta rays they started to come up my arm. My guide asked me a series of questions about the magenta ray. Which arm is it coming in? Why is it doing that what is the purpose of it doing that? I stood with my left arm extended, the magenta ray moved quickly up towards my centre. It felt like it was clearing and healing. It too felt like liquid, I felt safe and protected as if I were in a cocoon or inside a womb surrounded by Mother.

My guide spoke once again "Can you see past the magenta, what is there?" I studied the swirling rainbow colours before me. As I focused I could see a mirror like substance on the outside of what now seemed to be a bubble. The word mercury came to me which I shared with my guide. She then said "I want you to envision this bubble getting larger and that feeling getting larger in all directions, tell me how you feel as it grows." I could now see tiny web like filaments reaching out in all directions. I felt so peaceful as I floated around, I sensed that I was sending and receiving messages and that I was connected to all. This felt so natural to me, as if this is as it should be and has always been. Once again the tears started to flow I marveled at this amazing feeling of being one with everything. My guide then quietly said "so are you going to allow this to be?" to which I replied sobbing "oh yes" I could now feel her embrace me as she said "perfect."

The next part of my journey was about to start, I had wiped away the tears and gathered my thoughts to continue on. My guide asked me "Now it it dark in there or is it bright?" I looked around me everything was sparkling. I seemed to be inside a huge diamond! The pinprick of light now was below me. I had burst free of the pyramid. My guide then asked "Do you know where you are?" I replied without hesitation "Shambhala" and burst once again into tears. I had never seen so much light, I felt like I was radiating. My guide then asked "what is all around you outside of the temple?" As I gazed around me all I could see were crystals, crystals of every colour imaginable and not imaginable. Around then was a thick mist of brilliant colours and rainbows. She now asked "Do you know what those crystals are?" I now sensed that these crystals were in fact us! Each and every one a unique being. We were all existing where the air was so clean and clear and perfect. I could hear water flowing like a waterfall. All the crystals were singing, it was a song of peace, joy and love.

The Crystal Grid by visionary artist Deb Graves

The Crystal Grid by visionary artist Deb Graves

It was then I realized that I could now see much further up into the heavens. Each of the planets were crystal as were the stars "we are one" was the message that came forth. My guide then spoke "Can you see that you are everywhere in all direction in all spaces with all beings?" I replied "oh yes, it feels as it should." Her next question was "So what do you have to do in order to keep this knowing, in order to carry forward with trust and complete faith?" I answered "love" to which she replied "love who?" I said "everyone and everything" She then asked "and who do you love first to expand this love?" I said "me, every last crystal point, and it feels wonderful." I sat with a feeling of complete and utter joy and a knowing that all I had to do was to share this with others by shining brightly illuminating all.
My guide then spoke to me in a soft and loving tone "What do you have to do aside from love?" I answered "share" to which she said "There isn't just any one thing is there? There are many things, sending the light, sending the vibration, just being, just being."

I sat quietly assimilating all that I had seen, felt and heard. It was not until my guide asked me "Do you need to hide inside the temple, or do you need to expand beyond the temple?" that I realized that there were once again walls surrounding me. I told her "Wherever I go I send forth these vibrations of love and light. I need not stay inside the temple, but it is available." She then asked "What if you take the temple down. What if you just remove the walls of the temple so that you no longer hide how does that feel. Is there a need to hide or does it make sense to remove it and just be?" I now looked around me and said "I am protected, I am secure, I am one with the Universe". The temple walls started melting, liquid gold, silver, copper swirled around me. Suddenly they rushed towards me and now I felt them inside of my being. My guide then asked "Where is the throne that you once sat upon?" I started to laugh as I realized it was in my hand, it was now tiny and looked like a toy. I was studying the throne when my guide asked "What do you think you have to do with this throne?" I held it looseley in my right hand and said it needs to be sent somewhere" As I watched it began to melt, the gold spiraling down towards an opening below me "it is going back to mother, back into the Earth." At that moment the entire melted temple started to pour from me joining the chair in the opening below. I described to my guide that it was like grains of sand flowing through an hour glass. She spoke with a sparkling laughter "perfect timing."

Bringing my attention once again to my breath I was not sure why but I was feeing uneasy. My guide must have sensed this as she asked "How do you feel now?" I sat shaking " I release all fear , I release all fear" where was this coming from why did I suddenly feel this way?. My guide asked "why are you feeling frightened?" I composed myself and concentrated "I am feeling very exposed." She told me to go back into my centre, I want you to see all the colour swirling around. She then said "I want you to reach out and touch it, how does it feel in there?" I relaxed as I felt the warm and welcoming glow surrounding me "I feel safe" She told me to stand in there and hug it and allow it to hug and hold me. That this place where I stand right now is with me always. Everywhere I go all the time, because this is me, I am always, always in this space, I don't need walls. This is me. With a kind and understanding vice she asked "what do you see outside you now?" I glanced around me there was a beautiful rainbow, all the crystals were shining brightly, with the light and the mist the rainbow of colours were everywhere. My guide then asked me "How do you feel now. Does it feel safe? Do you feel exposed or connected?" I told her that I felt so connected a part of the whole. Her warmth then filled the room as she said "Anytime you feel frightened come back, embrace yourself. Feel the colours, feel the comfort, feel the warmth. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Love your self exactly as you are. Look outside of yourself and see the crystals, you are not alone. You are surrounded by everything that you are, there is nothing to fear. This is the way it is meant to be, always. Every step you take, you take with this feeling inside and you expand upon it. You radiate it, and the more you walk with it, and embrace it, and accept it, the more you shine it on to those crystal lights. Thus allowing those crystals to get brighter and stronger. Together we all expand, with each step we take, with each moment that we take to sit in that very feeling and embrace it. This is the step that you must take with you everywhere you go. When you feeling as though you have stepped out, allow yourself time to sit take a moment and step back in. Make it your intention to step back in, to be completley connected to the truth of who you are, which is everything.

The Sacred Rose by visionary artist Deb Graves/Araznu

The Sacred Rose

We sat resting, I say resting as I was sure there was more of my journey to come. I felt wonderful my whole body was vibrating and glowing. I had a new awareness to what I could sense and feel. My guide now gained my attention "As you look around is there anything else you see, a sign, a message, a symbol?" I was not sure what I was supposed to see, but out of the mist appeared a circular grid, I described this to my guide "I see a circular grid, a spiral, going clockwise, it does not end, it just keeps going all the way through to the centre." She asked me "Where does it want to go?" I looked into the spiraling grid in front of me, it seemed to go on forever. As I walked forward an archway of beautiful magenta roses appeared. The heavenly perfume from them was almost overwhelming, I had smelt these before they were like the damask roses that I had in my garden. I continued forward through the archway walking towards the rotating grid. I now felt like I was a part of it, it was getting warmer the further I ventured. Before me was a swirling grey mass I said to my guide "I don't like grey" She replied sweetly "That's ok don't judge it. Does it want you to go in a particular direction, or does it want to show you something?" I sensed that it wanted me to go with it. My guide then said "So can you do that, can you trust that this is for your highest and greatest good?"

Contact by visionary artist Deb Graves

Contact by visionary artist Deb Graves

I walked forward trusting completely. "Wow" I exclaimed as I felt myself moving a tremendous speed. My guide then asked me what I could feel. I felt like I was in a wormhole, I saw brilliant colours swirling around me. There was a bright light in front of me that I seemed to be moving towards. "Oh my!" an intense wave of wonderful loving emotions flooded through my body, tears ran down my face as I stood staring at the wonder before me. My guide softly asked "and what is it you see?" With a shaking and emotional voice I replied "I am in a most beautiful garden" more tears ran down my face as I realized where I was. I was in Heaven. My guide asked me a series of questions about this beautiful place. I then described what I saw, smelt and heard.

Reunion by visionary artist Deb Graves

Reunion by visionary artist Deb Graves

As I moved forward I seemed to be floating, as if walking on air, around me was a light mist which seemed to make everything glisten. I saw plants that I did not recognize, tall exotic looking trees with huge blossoms that came in glorious colours. I could hear birds singing, so many that I could not single out a particular bird. Then to my surprise a most beautiful white horse walked towards me, I took a step back as I realized it was in fact a unicorn. I laughed at this as it seemed almost too hard to believe. My guide then asked "Is there anyone here that you are supposed to talk to?"
I looked around and saw someone approaching me. I let out a gasp as I recognized who she was. N (name withheld) stood before me, arms outstretched waiting to embrace me "welcome to Eden my friend" she said in a joyous voice. I hugged her and sobbed uncontrollably, she whispered in my ear "you did it, you did it!" She comforted me telling me that everything was as it should be.

My guide then spoke "Take a piece of this with you everywhere you go. Show others this is the way to live. This is the way it was meant to be. The way to show it is by living it for yourself. Don't push it upon anyone, don't try force it. Don't try to understand it, just live it, every moment of every day. Live in this Garden of Eden, take it with you, take share it, and continue to grow with it. You know this is real. You can feel it. You can touch it right now because you are standing in it. Take a deep breath in, what does it smell like?" I took a deep breath. Once again I could smell the wonderful Damask roses. I could also smell the ocean, "mmm sea air." The breeze was warm and the air clean clear and fresh. I stood basking in this taking everything in, I felt so alive and at peace in this place, I felt as I did as a child.
My guide must have sensed this as she then said " I want you to run, run and hold your arms out be a kid. Run, scream, sing, how does it feel? Do whatever your heart desires right now. Tell me how it feels." I started by laughing out loud and then said "well I am going up that tree, just like when I was a kid." I would sit in the top of the tree and watch the clouds going by for hours, noticing the images and messages that formed and faded as they rolled by. As I approached this tree in this beautiful place I felt her presence. I sensed the trees spirit. I walked forward and hugged her and to my surprised her branches started to move to hug me back. She then formed a cradle with her branches and held me. I felt completely safe, protected and loved.

The Elementals by visionary artist Deb Graves

The Elementals by visionary artist Deb Graves

I hugged and thanked the tree for all that she was. I turned and hugged "N" my soul sister who had been with me here in this Garden of Eden. My guide spoke softly "Always remember this feeling, the smell, the textures, the joy. Everything you can feel from the inside and out. Stand in it and breath it in, feel every sensation you can. Embrace it. Now take three breaths in, hold, three breaths out, hold. I want you to look around, what do you look like now?"
I looked down at myself, I glistened, I could see through myself, I was crystalline! As my eyes drifted over the rest of my body I noticed what could be described as wings draped from my shoulders. The easiest way to describe what I looked like to others would to say that I looked like an angel.

Freedom by visionary artist Deb Graves

Freedom by visionary artist Deb Graves

The sweet voice of my guide floated towards me "Take one last look around you, and then I want go back through the tunnel that brought you here. I want you to remember that you are taking this with you and you are expanding it here in all directions. For the day will come that what you just experienced will be everywhere, always. This will be everywhere for everyone, every living thing in every direction, of the entire universe everywhere. So I want you to come back through. I want you to feel that it is coming with you. I want you to know that you are going to walk with it, radiating it through you in all directions. Sending it out to all those crystal lights that you know that are in all directions. This will be all around you at all times. When you see them and that sparkle in their eye, you know that as you smile with a nod you will give them a piece of Heaven. They will continue to expand with you and they will share it with each look and each smile upon their face.

Things are changing time is standing still, we are bringing heaven here everywhere at all times. There is nothing to fear. There is no place to hide. There is nothing to hide from. Heaven that is where we were all meant to be, at all times always, everywhere. Let go of the fear, allow yourself to grow and expand. Knowing that each expansion you allow for yourself, that all the crystals around you expand with you. It keeps getting bigger and brighter, and more beautiful more brilliant. Each and every day you can stand in this space, at any given time, just allow, just allow yourself to be.
Take those feelings and allow them to be. Take those aromas and bask in them. Allow them to expand as you think of them. Others that are with you will notice and they will smell them with you. They will wonder where this is coming from. As you giggle inside you know you have brought heaven with you, and they can smell a piece of Heaven.

Enjoy the feeling of floating. It is ok and safe to float. Allow yourself to feel the warmth and safety no matter where you are. Allow yourself to climb a tree hug it, talk to it, and allow it to cradle you in its branches. Allow yourself to drink in the water. Allow it to cleanse you, feeling it charge you, feeling it pouring out in all directions from you.
Relax, don't try to force things. Don't put so much pressure on yourself to do things perfect. You already are perfect there is no need to do anything except breath and be exactly as you are."

I sat quietly feeling completely at one with everything around me.Then an amazing sensation of total peace and trust that I was being watched over and gently guided upon my journey. There was knowing that all would be provided for, as needed, with every step that I took on my rainbow path.

New Beginnings by visionary artist Deb Graves

New Beginnings by visionary artist Deb Graves.

I hope in sharing this journey it will help others to find there own way to Heaven on Earth.

Deb Graves.

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Deb Graves

Master Hilarions weekly Message - August 29 – September 4, 2010

Beloved Ones,

During the coming weeks, there will be much activity taking place in the interdimensional octaves of higher vibrational frequency and this will translate as a greater influx of Light to and through each of you. Many of you have become ‘stuck’ in past life dramas that were simply to be observed, acknowledged and released and instead, you have found yourselves trying to transmute and transform over and over again as this drama plays on in your lives. During these coming weeks, we, the Ascended Host will be standing by to give you assistance to help overcome these age old dramas once and for all and so we remind you once again, that you, Dear and Beloved Ones, must ask us to do this for you and with you.

Our Love for you is unconditional and unending and it is our greatest joy and pleasure to serve you in these times of transition as you move from one timeline to the Ascension timeline of the Ascended Earth reality. Ask that we help you to do this and you will be instantly surrounded in the Great White Light which will raise your vibrational frequency to this new timeline. This is very important, Dear Ones and we cannot stress enough that each of you must intend to move onto this timeline as soon as possible. There is much work that needs to be done, for many of your brothers and sisters upon Earth still need Awakening and the sooner you are all firmly anchored into the Ascended Earth timeline, the sooner the work can begin.

We ask that you not rest from your disciplines and that you strive ceaselessly to raise your vibrational level each day and maintain it. We can help with this if you remember to ask us each morning. We are encouraging each and every one of you to make this your priority from now on. Try to lay aside your daily concerns amidst the situations that you find yourselves in at the moment and rise a cut above to the higher perspective, the perspective of your Higher Self and Great I AM Presence. Spend as much time and intention ‘seeing’ yourselves as the Beings of Light and Love that you truly are and let go of any other distractions that may come forth. Know that your Loved Ones will follow as you lead, for you are the pattern breakers and the pattern makers, and therefore, the leaders of Humanity. By your works, your actions, words and deeds and your personal example, you shall rise up as the shining Lights that you are.

The time for hiding your Light is past, is over. Now is the time to become the pure and shining example to all, so that they may look upon you and the miracles that are occurring and want to follow in your footsteps. You are THAT powerful! Let go of all that does not resonate with this new vision and hold to that new vision with every fibre of your being. Your Light is needed now more than ever and by your Light, you inspire others around you to take up the torch and follow the example that you shall be demonstrating by your daily living, which shall show them many miraculous transformations that occur within you that will be visible to all who have known you before your transformations. This will become evident in the months and years ahead. You will each fall into your part in the Divine Plan and we ask you to remember that you are the Ambassadors of Light and therefore must lead by example. BE the Light, radiate your Love from your heart chakra with the Golden Light of the Christ, and walk in grace and ease and with a light step upon the Earth.

We, your brothers and sisters who have gone before you, overlight and expand each of your auras as much as you can comfortably withstand each and every day, so please remember to ask and state your intention to anchor your Light to the Ascension timeline and keep your energy levels vibrating at the highest levels possible. Ask for alignment with the Ascension Stargate and for daily and constant guidance from your personal Guides and Teachers. We want a stronger connection with each of you and have much to impart to you. We stand ready to assist and impart much needed knowledge to you, as events transpire upon the Earth plane. You are moving quickly into the Ascended Earth reality and that is where your focus will serve you for the greatest and highest good for all.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

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Hear God's Love Heavenletter #3567 Published on: August 31, 2010

God said:

There is no owing. There is only giving. There is no debt. Life is far greater than bookkeeping. Paying back is not the same as giving. You are on Earth to give. Giving breathes life. Paying back is more like the movement of an inch worm.

Look at it this way. When so much has been given to you, how can you pay it back anyway?

Come from the premise of giving. You are out of debt. You are not indentured to giving. You are free to give. You are free to have your heart alight on others’ hearts. You extend your heart in service to Me. You are one who gives.

You set the pace. You fill lonely hearts with love. You are the Santa Claus who hands out sweetness to the world. Your giving takes many forms. Sometimes it is a giving act to accept love from others. It is a great gift to allow others to give to you. It is a privilege to give to you. It is a privilege for you to accept love.

Please do not misunderstand Me. Accepting another’s love does not mean doing their will. Your heart accepts their offering of love and not their demands. Love has to be given and received and not proven. Love is sufficient unto itself. Love cannot be demanded any more than it can be owed. Nor must you demand that your love be accepted. You offer, and then you let go. The only rule to love is that it is free to be given and free to be accepted. There are no clauses and by-laws to love. Love is out of the realm of laws, yet the law of love is supreme.

The world is susceptible to change. Manifestation of love fluctuates in the world. Even manifestation of your love fluctuates, yet love is the only constant there is. My love does not fluctuate. Whether you’ve been good or bad in terms of the world, My love smiles on you. My love is not hit or miss. My love is not frivolous. My love is not mistaken. I have every right to love and to love you and to love you no matter what.

The world is not so understanding as I AM. I roll out the meadow of love, and it supports you. My love flows, and My love flows to you. Immerse in My love. Make it yours.

My love goes where you are. Wherever you are, wherever you think you are, you are wrapped in My arms of love. No matter what, you have a steady flow of My love. The world may say differently, but that’s the world for you. The world’s love can hit sour notes, yet never My love. My love is always on key. Come and get it! Unlimited love. Love that does not have to be earned. Love that does not have to be accounted for. There is no check and balances when it comes to My love. Did you think My love should be otherwise? Did you think that My love should be regulated?

My love is made for you. I always have you in mind and in heart as well. This is natural. I know no other way nor do I care to learn another way. There is a direct flow of My love to you. I never miss.

If that is so, how then can you ever feel unloved? Never mind the world, beloveds. The world is a slow learner. My love is regardless. The flow of My love is never stemmed. Not a particle of My love is ever missing. Do not be love-deaf. Hear My love. It is flowing to you now.

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Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter